Japan Art and Shinto: Mountain Landscapes
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Sawako Utsumi is a contemporary Japanese artist who hails from Northern Japan. Her art fuses various aspects of Japanese and European art – while also being influenced by Buddhism, Christianity, and Shintoism concerning her art.

The Shinto faith isn’t structured and dogmatic like the Abrahamic faiths that emanate from Judaism. Henceforth, from an artistic point of view, Shinto shrines fusing with nature and mountain landscapes seem natural.

The BBC says, “Shinto is not a way of explaining the world. What matters are rituals that enable human beings to communicate with kami.”

In these art pieces, Sawako Utsumi is turning the clock back to a time when the Shinto faith was guiding people in a minimal and natural sense. In her eyes, Folk Shintoism responds to the natural environment (far from State Shinto). This is further enhanced by regional Shinto influences that differ throughout Japan.
https://sawakoart.com – Sawako Utsumi

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