Japan nationalist Kishida is upsetting the junior Komeito partner
Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The anti-Russia administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Japan never misses an opportunity to condemn the Russian Federation. At home, in Japan, countless numbers of people have suffered more than three squandered economic decades and over two decades of static wages. Therefore, with the highest debt ratio in the world – and the economic convulsions of the Coronavirus and ongoing sanctions on the Russian Federation – vast numbers in Japan see little hope for optimism.
The Komeito Party is focused on helping people reeling from recent economic convulsions. This concerns the never-ending hikes in energy and foodstuff prices of certain commodities. However, for Kishida, the most anti-Russia administration in recent history: he concerns himself with nationalism, supporting America’s geopolitical ambitions, and a major increase in military spending.
Kishida fears implementing a supplementary budget before the Upper House election. Hence, like his nationalist stance and making life even harder for ordinary Japanese nationals concerning the economic convulsions of sanctions against the Russian Federation: Kishida only cares about his own power base. Therefore, he sought to avoid a supplementary budget until after the election.
In recent history, the administrations of Kiichi Miyazawa, Ryutaro Hashimoto, and Taro Aso – spanning the 1993 to 2009 period – all suffered political convulsions after implementing a supplementary budget. Thus Kishida – similar to the political tactics he learned in America – seeks to deflect attention away from the supplementary budget, Japan having the highest ratio of debt in the world, internal economic suffering regards to sanctions on the Russian Federation, the fragility of the economy, and static wages of more than two decades by playing the anti-China and anti-Russia nationalist card day in and day out.
Japan News (The Yomiuri Shimbun) reports, “But Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi has continued to staunchly demand the compilation of a supplementary budget in the current Diet session. In the end, the LDP was forced to make concessions, and Kishida announced at a press conference on April 26 that the government will submit a ¥2.7 trillion supplementary budget as soon as possible. The draft budget is expected to be adopted in late May, and the legislative session is scheduled to end in June.”
Natsuo Yamaguchi, the leader of Komeito, is more principled than Kishida. After all, Komeito concerns itself more with the economic suffering of the people of Japan. Therefore, Kishida – and his nationalist administration – conceded to certain demands by Komeito.
Komeito also worries about the nationalist tendencies of the current Kishida administration that is moving further right – after the recent leaderships of Shinzo Abe and Yoshihide Suga. Hence, with the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) seeking to free itself from constitutional military constraints – along with increasing military spending to 2 percent of GDP (at a time of the endless mountain of debt) – the partnership between the LDP and Komeito is fraying.
The LDP doesn’t concern itself with having the highest debt ratio in the world. Thus the highest military budget – in the history of Japan – was passed under the administration of Kishida.
Yamaguchi pointedly said, “It’s impossible. Where do we get the money for that?”
Overall, during the early period of Kishida, his anti-China and anti-Russia posturing is never-ending. Hence, he travels to various nations – and sends appropriate Cabinet and Foreign Ministry members – to condemn these fellow Northeast Asian nations irrespective of the continent. Therefore, Northeast Asia is increasingly divided to a level unseen for decades because of the rightist tilt of Japan in recent times.
Internally, while the Japanese yen depreciates – and vast numbers of people feel the economic convulsions of sanctions against the Russian Federation – along with the continuing problems related to the coronavirus – Kishida’s policies are antagonizing Komeito. Hence, the leadership of Kishida is creating negative internal and external issues that didn’t exist to the same extent until he took power.

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