Paris Olympics and Mass Security: Islamism in France
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

In the last ten years, at least 45 terrorist attacks have taken place in France. Nearly all these terrorist attacks were done by Islamists who were praising Allah. This includes the killing of 131 people in 2015 by Islamists in Paris – to slitting the throat of a Christian priest.
This self-induced reality built on the policy of multiculturalism is enabling Islam and other anti-French forces to take root in France. Naturally, the politically correct elites are more concerned about crushing indigenous French people – who are tired of Islamism, terrorism, high crime, endless mass immigration, and the demise of French culture.
President Emmanuel Macron and the Olympic Committee will praise the beauty of multiculturalism and being inclusive. However, from high crime to Islamic extremism, the ‘real’ France is very different from the message being espoused.
Henceforth, the security to protect the Olympics is shining a light on the demise of another European city, far from the image being sold by the ruling elites.
The BBC reports, “The security operation – the phrase hardly does justice to the scale of it – involves the largest peacetime deployment of security forces in French history, with up to 75,000 police, soldiers and hired guards on patrol in Paris at any one time.”
CNN reports, “Paris has experienced terrorist attacks in the past, notably in 2015, when gunmen armed with assault rifles and explosives targeted six locations across the French capital, killing 130 people and wounding 494.”
Indeed, 45 terrorist attacks have occurred in France in the last ten years – the vast majority are related to Islamists.
In the last week, another Islamist terrorist threatened to kill someone. Accordingly, Reuters reports, “French police arrested on Friday a man on terrorism charges accused of trying to murder a taxi driver with a knife while expressing support for Palestinian militant group Hamas, a source at the terrorism prosecutor’s office said.”

High crime is another obvious problem in multicultural Paris – unlike the low crime rates of Tokyo (Japan held the last Olympics).
Le Monde reports, “The attack in Moscow on Friday, March 22, claimed by the Islamic State (IS) organization, was keenly felt in France. Just two days after the attack, a defense council meeting was held at the Elysée Palace to discuss the terrorist threat, against the backdrop of the upcoming Olympic Games in the summer and the growing number of threats against schools. After the meeting, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said that because of “the Islamic State having claimed responsibility for the attack and the threats hanging over our country, we have decided to raise the Vigipirate [France’s national security alert system] threat to its highest level.”
AP News reports, “Rafale fighter jets, airspace-monitoring AWACS surveillance flights, Reaper surveillance drones, helicopters that can carry sharpshooters, and equipment to disable drones will police Paris skies, which will be closed during the opening ceremony by a no-fly zone extending for 150 kilometers (93 miles) around the capital.”
It is hoped that the Olympics will not witness any terrorist attacks – and the games go great. However, the precautions taken by the security apparatus of France highlight the threat of Islamism – and other forces – to the indigenous French and loyal citizens of this country.
Macron and the ruling elites manipulate language. However, for many French people, “enough is enough.”
Marine Le Pen (President of the National Rally in the National Assembly) witnessed the recent connivance of Emmanuel Macron (President of France – Ensemble bloc) and the New Popular Front (Far-Left to Communists and Ecologists) during the recent election.
Hence, despite the National Rally winning 37.1% of the vote compared to 26.3% for the New Popular Front and 24.7% for Ensemble, the National Rally failed to gain the most seats. Accordingly, Islamists are gaining from the New Popular Front and Ensemble because both forces refuse to tackle the Islamist threat and other forces that seek the destruction of France.
The Paris Olympics – similar to the ruling elites under Macron – seek to project an image of unity (ethnic, gender, and religious). However, the security apparatus to protect the Olympics is “the real France.”

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