Biden and anti-Russia warmongers: Play it again Bush, Clinton, and Obama
Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

During the administration of Donald Trump, he did a rare thing in recent American history. Yes, he didn’t start or instigate a war. Only recently, the Barack Obama administration destabilized Libya and Syria – along with the usual NATO and Middle Eastern powers. The administrations of Bill Clinton and George Bush junior also spread death and misery to several continents. Therefore, the bi-partisan anti-Russian Federation angle in the United States is once more inciting another war – under the administration of President Joe Biden.
The late Stephen F. Cohen (1938-2020) said in 2019, “For centuries and still today, Russia and large parts of Ukraine have had much in common—a long territorial border; a shared history; ethnic, linguistic, and other cultural affinities; intimate personal relations; substantial economic trade; and more. Even after the years of escalating conflict between Kiev and Moscow since 2014, many Russians and Ukrainians still think of themselves in familial ways. The United States has almost none of these commonalities with Ukraine.”
Biden is laying the foundation for further mistrust with the Russian Federation despite America recently pulling out of Afghanistan. Also, the Biden administration is increasingly antagonizing China with endless rhetoric aimed at containing this nation. Therefore, the geopolitical backyard of America applies to European NATO powers to Japan aimed at the Russian Federation – and from Japan to Asia Pacific nations who are anti-China via the “useful and manipulated humanitarian angle.”
America – ironically – is currently blighted by 100,000 opioid deaths in the last 12 months, Covid-19 deaths that will reach 900,00 in the next week, growing internal cultural differences being incited by the Democrats (race-baiting to gender confusion), inflation concerns, and several cities are fraying because of homelessness, criminality, and the defund the police agenda of wealthy Democrats who play the “race card.” Therefore, why isn’t Biden focused on these issues and the border of America rather than seeking a new Cold War with China and the Russian Federation?
Robert Menendez and other anti-Russian Federation warmongers – irrespective of whether Democrat or Republican – are inflaming the situation with endless rhetoric. Voice of America reports, “In addition, Menendez said he expects the Senate to approve additional “lethal assistance to Ukraine” in the form of weapons, as well as economic sanctions on key sectors of the Russian economy, and a bar on Russia’s ability to sell its sovereign debt in international markets.”
Vasily Nebenzya, the Russian Federation Ambassador to the United Nations, uttered that America is “provoking escalation.” The ambassador continued by implying that America is “whipping up hysteria” aimed at the Russian Federation.
President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation – concerning the responses obtained by America and NATO regarding the geopolitical concerns of the Russian Federation – is despondent. He said, “Let me note that we are closely analyzing the written responses received from the US and NATO on January 26. However, it is already clear, and I informed Mr. Prime Minister about it, that the fundamental Russian concerns were ignored.”
TASS News reports, Putin “…explained that Moscow had seen no adequate response to three key demands – preventing NATO’s expansion, non-deployment of strike weapons systems near Russian borders and returning the military infrastructure of NATO in Europe to the positions existing in 1997 when the Russia-NATO Founding Act was signed.”
The highly respected Stephen F. Cohen blamed Bill Clinton for starting to expand NATO further eastwards toward the Russian Federation. He said, “The short but essential answer is Washington’s decision, taken by President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, to expand NATO eastward from Germany and eventually to Ukraine itself. Ever since, both Democrats and Republicans have insisted that Ukraine is a “vital US national interest.” Those of us who opposed that folly warned it would lead to dangerous conflicts with Moscow, conceivably even war. Imagine Washington’s reaction, we pointed out, if Russian military bases began to appear on Canada’s or Mexico’s borders with America. We were not wrong: An estimated 13,000 souls have already died in the Ukrainian-Russian war in the Donbass and some 2 million people have been displaced.”
The Guardian (Simon Jenkins), concerning the late Boris Yeltsin pleading with NATO powers not to move to the borders of Russia, takes a similar view to the late Stephen F. Cohen. He reports, “The west blatantly derided the advice. Nato leaders feasted on victory, recruiting members eastwards through Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and the Baltic states. Pleas from Russian moderates were ignored, while London opened its doors to Russia’s stolen wealth. The result was predictable. In 1999, Vladimir Putin took power on a populist, patriotic ticket. To Britain’s former Moscow ambassador, Rodric Braithwaite, Putin was a master of articulating “the sense of humiliation Russians felt after the collapse of the Soviet Union”. He exploited Nato’s aggressive expansionism for all it was worth. When in 2008 America’s George W Bush backed extending Nato membership to Georgia and Ukraine (a move that was vetoed by Germany and France) Putin seized land in both.”
It is time for America – and to a lesser degree the United Kingdom – to focus on internal issues that need addressing. Political elites in Washington and London have meddled and spread international chaos by endlessly interfering with countless nations in recent decades. This concerns instigating conflicts far from the shores of both nations.
Modern Tokyo Times recently said, “The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) have involved themselves in the destabilization of many nations – along with other NATO powers (France concerning Libya and Turkey in Syria) – for many decades. Hence, from supporting the dismemberment of Yugoslavia and then Serbia (Kosovo) – to intrigues in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and other conflicts – mass immigration took place. This relates to failed states, chaos, terrorism, ethnic persecution, and other negative factors.”
The world needs a break from constant conflicts that emanate from the same corridors of power. America, France, the United States, Turkey, and other nations continue to meddle internationally – all are NATO powers. Hence, it is time for NATO and the Russian Federation to have proper dialogue that addresses the natural concerns of the Russian Federation and to calm the current crisis that is being whipped up in Washington and London.
The flow of bloodshed continues in several nations that are blighted by the deeds of NATO powers. This concerns the further destabilization of the Sahel region after the war against Libya left this nation a failed state, ongoing convulsions in Iraq and Syria, the continuing occupation of Northern Cyprus by Turkey, the meddling of Turkey in the Nagorno-Karabakh region that witnessed Islamists being transported to the war zone to kill Armenian Christians, and other convulsions related to Afghanistan to mass immigration to Europe and the cleansing of religious minorities (Christians and Yazidis in parts of Iraq and Syria). Therefore, this collective chaos is responsible for vast numbers of deaths – alongside creating millions of refugees and unleashing mass immigration.

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