Iran and Nuclear deal is a luxury that bypasses the fear of everyday life!
Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The central state of Iran rules by fear. This concerns the most basic things in life – from how females dress, holding alternative political ideas, questioning political cronyism, seeking to follow a different faith, and other minor things that people take for granted in democratic nations. Therefore, the situation for Iranians who oppose the ruling elites – or who merely want greater opportunities and hope – is the fear of being arrested on flimsy charges and possible torture that is all too real inside Iranian prisons.
Of course, the nuclear deal is important for the international community. However, since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, tyranny abounds year after year, decade after decade. Henceforth, people in Iran feel abandoned by the international community because ethnic, gender, political, and religious oppression continues generation after generation.
National security in Iran is issued against the Baha’i community at the drop of a hat. Thus, even studying at university can become problematic and liable to further persecution. Indeed, hatred is taught against this embattled religious community in Iran in textbooks, through the media, and pro-government politicians. Therefore, each day the Baha’i reside in fear for merely speaking and worshipping openly.
Apostates to other faiths, for example from Islam to Christianity, also face prison and persecution. Of course, Iran doesn’t mind propagating Shia Islam in non-Muslim nations. Hence, the hypocrisy is astounding (Iran isn’t alone). However, unlike the Baha’i, the religious minorities of Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians are deemed official faiths even if enormous restrictions are put on proselytizing (especially applies to Christianity). Thus, if religious minorities accept their dhimmi status, they can avoid the daily persecution that the Baha’i face (outside of apostates from Islam to Christianity who suffer brutally).
Concerning the death of Yaser Mangouri – but could be countless other innocents who were killed by the state apparatus – Heba Morayef, the Middle East and North Africa Regional Director at Amnesty International, reports, “Yesterday’s reports of the death of Yaser Mangouri in suspicious circumstances further exposes how the prevailing climate of impunity further emboldens security forces to violate prisoners’ right to life without any fear of consequence or accountability. The authorities’ systemic refusal to conduct any independent investigations into these deaths in custody is a grim reflection of the normalization of the arbitrary deprivation of life by state authorities.”
Iran isn’t only supporting oppression internally but also in Iraq. Hence, Iranian-backed militias are also killing Iraqi protesters who just demand hope and freedom. However, similar to persecution in Iran, the international community is emboldening this country by its silence and meekness. The same can be said about the Nuclear Deal that provides important leverages for Iran.
Overall, how many more years and decades must Iranians wait before they can reside in freedom? After all, most demands are for simple things. This includes dress freedom, genuine political representation, religious freedom, freedom of expression, and working opportunities.
The other demand – extremely simple and based on justice – is the freedom to not reside in fear.

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