Islamists Continue to Kill Christians in the DRC

Islamists Continue to Kill Christians in the DRC

Kanako Mita and Noriko Watanabe

Modern Tokyo Times

Earlier this year, Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of approximately 1.4 billion Roman Catholics, called for the urgent protection of civilians in eastern parts of the DRC – where Islamists belonging to the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) continue to kill Christians.

The Pope said, “I appeal to national authorities and the international community to do everything possible to stop the violence and safeguard the lives of civilians.”

However, despite the appeal by Pope Francis, another 18 Christians were killed by Islamists in separate terrorist attacks.

In one brutal incident in the village of Anditongo (Mambasa Territory), the ADF Islamists beheaded 15 people.

Various complex wars in North Kivu and Ituri in the DRC blight this nation. Naturally, parts of South Kivu are feeling the horrendous convulsions. Therefore, over 7 million people are internally displaced in this part of the country.

The Anglican Bishop of Beni said, “… attacks by armed groups such as the ADF have become tragically commonplace that defiles God’s purpose of creating man.” 

The region of Beni in the DRC is also blighted by terrorism and Christians being singled out to be killed.

Voice of America reported earlier this year (June 2024)“Armed men used guns and machetes to attack residents of villages in Beni territory, in North Kivu province, overnight Friday, local official Fabien Kakule told Reuters.”

ADF Islamists pledge loyalty to ISIS (Islamic State – IS) in the DRC. Hence, Christians are beheaded, hacked to death with machetes, and burnt alive by Islamists – and other brutal ADF methods of killing.

Lee Jay Walker (Modern Tokyo Times analyst) says, “Sunni Islamists are enslaving the Yazidis in Iraq, butchering Christians (DRC, Nigeria, Mozambique, and other nations), killing the Shia, killing Jews, and persecuting Buddhists (Southern Thailand) and Hindus (Bangladesh and Pakistan). Therefore, Sunni Islamists are butchering innocents on several continents in the name of Allah.”

The ADF originated in Uganda. However, like recent massacres, this terrorist group usually murders people in the DRC. 

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