Israel Sends in another Military Division into Southern Lebanon (Remembering October 7)

Israel Sends in another Military Division into Southern Lebanon (Remembering October 7)

Kanako Mita, Michiyo Tanabe, and Sawako Utsumi

Modern Tokyo Times

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sent another military division into Southern Lebanon. Hence, the 91st “Galilee” Regional Division further consolidates the ground forces against Hezbollah.

Since the brutal pogrom against Jews by Hamas and other Palestinian forces on October 7, 2023, over 26,000 missiles, rockets, and drones have attacked Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah are responsible for the overwhelming majority of these launches against Israel.

France 24 reports, “On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched the largest-ever terrorist attack on Israeli soil. The Palestinian organization, considered a terrorist group by the EU and the US, stormed through the security fence separating Gaza and Israel in the early morning, killing 1,189 people, including 815 civilians, wounding 7,500 and taking 251 hostages.”

The IDF in Southern Lebanon aims to erase the infrastructure of Hezbollah in the border area between Israel and Lebanon. Hence, the IDF declared the operations as “limited, localized, and targeted raids.”

If successful, Israeli residents will be able to return to areas under threat in northern Israel.

The Times of Israel reports, “The Israel Defense Forces continued its campaign to degrade Hezbollah in Lebanon on Saturday as it targeted command centers, weapons caches, tunnels and more, and as the military said it believed it had killed at least 440 Hezbollah operatives since the start of ground operations on Monday.”

According to the IDF, Hezbollah has “deliberately” created weapons and command centers below residential housing in Beirut – without any care about “endangering the population in the area.”

If this is true, it is time for Lebanon to tackle the Hezbollah state-within-a-state that is a dagger at the heart of Lebanon because Hezbollah puts Iran before the Lebanese.

The IDF has assassinated the upper echelons of Hezbollah. This includes killing Hassan Nasrallah (The Secretary-General of Hezbollah) in Lebanon. However, the Hamas and Hezbollah threat persists – along with Iran. Therefore, bloodshed is set to continue until Israel feels in a position to negotiate from strength.

October 7, 2023

The brutality unleashed by Palestinian forces on October 7, 2023, was reminiscent of the mindset of ISIS (Islamic State) when they began butchering and raping Yazidi women in Iraq.

The New York Times (Hamas pogrom against Jews) says, “Reporters interviewed witnesses who described seeing women raped and killed along a highway, reviewed photographs that showed a woman’s corpse with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin, and spoke with volunteer medics and Israeli soldiers who came across at least 24 bodies of women and girls in at least six houses, some mutilated, some tied up, and many naked and alone.”

The BBC says, “Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of those killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of sexual assault, including broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears, and that the victims ranged from children and teenagers to pensioners.”

Two UN (United Nations) independent experts uttered, “The growing body of evidence about reported sexual violence is particularly harrowingThese acts constitute gross violations of international law, amounting to war crimes which, given the number of victims and the extensive premeditation and planning of the attacks, may also qualify as crimes against humanity.”

Lee Jay Walker (Modern Tokyo Times analyst) says, “One can only imagine how many Jews would have been butchered by Hamas and other Palestinian forces if Israel didn’t have a strong army. After all, look what ISIS (Sunni Islamists) did to the Yazidis – and ongoing events in Darfur where Arabs are butchering and raping African Muslims during the ongoing conflict in Sudan.”

Accordingly, Israel seeks to push back against Hamas and Hezbollah – and the geopolitical menace and intrigues of Iran.

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