Japan and anti-Russia stance: France and Germany admit Minsk bought time
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan and Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi endlessly take a pro-American stance. A sense of “opportunism” also concerns the territorial dispute with the Russian Federation.
This concerns several statements by the Kishida administration that are much stronger than those under the former leader Shinzo Abe. Indeed, Abe had cordial relations with President Vladimir Putin.
Territorial disputes with Japan exist with China, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. Ironically, Japan, which incorporated the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa) during the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912), has turned modern-day Okinawa into a mega-American military base – unlike mainland Japan where American military bases are evenly spread.
Japan tolerated America launching military attacks against North Korea during the Korean War and allowed America to utilize Okinawa (Ryukyu) to kill the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. America used Agent Orange against Vietnam and even dropped Agent Orange on Cambodia and Laos despite not being at war with either nation. However, not only did Japan keep quiet, but Japanese companies also made “a literal killing” on the bones of the Vietnamese.
Okinawa is now being utilized by America to contain China. Once more, Japan tolerates the anti-Asian policies of America. However, this time it is worse because Kishida, Hayashi, and others in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) are utilizing anti-China and anti-Russia rhetoric to militarize.
The Minsk agreement (Minsk Protocol) was signed in good faith by the Russian Federation. This agreement concerned indigenous Russians in the Donbass (Donbas) War against the armed forces of Ukraine. Accordingly, the Minsk Protocol was drafted in 2014.
France and Germany (Normandy Format) mediated between the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe). The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) – indigenous Russians (and other ethnic groups who speak Russian and who identify with Russian culture) – are opposed to Ukrainian nationalism.
Western media confirms that the armed forces of Ukraine were killing indigenous Russians and others who look to “mother Russia” in 2014 and onwards.
Reuters reports (2014), “The United Nations puts the death toll in the conflict at 2,086, including civilians and combatants. That figure has nearly doubled since late July, when Ukrainian forces stepped up their offensive and the fighting spread to major urban areas.”
Al Jazeera (2016) reports from a school in the pro-Russian part of Donetsk. This agency reports about the armed forces of Ukraine bombing the same school several times.
Klaudya Vasilyovna Kharkovskaya, the school principal, says, “For the fifth time we have to clear glass shards from the schoolyard because these non-humans on the Ukrainian side bomb us. Non-humans, that is what they are.”
Ukraine adopted anti-Russian legislation from the start of hostilities. Accordingly, the people of Donetsk and Lugansk want the right to reside freely in their place of birth. However, Ukrainian nationalists and military arms from several NATO powers support the military option.
UNICEF highlights the spiraling of the crisis and how children on both sides suffered once the military angle was adopted by Ukraine and NATO allies who utilized Ukrainian nationalism.
UNICEF reports (2019), “Since the conflict began in early 2014, more than 750 educational facilities on both sides of the contact line have been damaged or destroyed due to hostilities. The proximity of military sites, bases, and storage facilities as well as security checkpoints puts schoolchildren along both sides of the contact line in grave danger. In addition, mines and explosive remnants of war are threatening children’s safety and leading to trauma and emotional distress.”
Ironically, an Early Day Motion in the United Kingdom Parliament condemned the BBC in 2017 for trivializing Ukrainian Neo-Nazis. The motion stipulates, “That this House is deeply concerned by the reporting by the BBC of the Kiev-based organisation C14, a far right organisation with neo-Nazi origins; considers the reporting of C14 activities fails to uphold BBC editorial values…the BBC has failed to apply due rigour in failing to report on the known history of violence by C14, including attacks on the LGBT community, violence against ethnic minorities, journalists and trade unionists and an attack on a police officer using a grenade during Kiev Pride; expresses deep concern at reporting of C14 activities as educational conversation and petty hooliganism; and calls on the BBC to uphold the values and standards expected by licence fee payers in the reporting on Ukraine.”
NATO powers and Japan under Kishida (Abe was more neutral) ignore the deaths of thousands of Russians and other ethnic groups that look to “mother Russia before the Russian Federation finally decided to defend Donetsk and Lugansk – and the immediate environs from endless Ukraine bombardments.
NATO powers and Japan also conveniently ignore that France and Germany admit that the Minsk talks enabled NATO nations to send military arms and buy time for the armed forces of Ukraine.
Former Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany admitted that the Minsk Agreement in 2014 was a facade. She told Die Zelt, “The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.”
Merkel continued, “It was clear for everyone” that the conflict was merely suspended “but it was exactly what gave Ukraine the priceless time.”
Putin said, “Germany and France – which brokered ceasefire agreements in the Belarusian capital Minsk between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and 2015 – had betrayed Russia and were now pumping Ukraine with weapons.”
Francois Hollande, the former President of France, said, “Yes, Angela Merkel is right on this point.”
Hollande continued, “Since 2014, Ukraine has strengthened its military posture. Indeed, the Ukrainian army was completely different from that of 2014. It was better trained and equipped. It is the merit of the Minsk agreements to have given the Ukrainian army this opportunity.”
The Japan Foreign Minister – negates America’s role in Vietnam, supporting right-wing death squads in South America via Operation Condor, Iraq and lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction, the bombing of Serbia and taking Kosovo away, Libya, and how NATO and European Union nations pump the Saudi military alliance that bombs Yemen (11,000 children dead).
Henceforth, Hayashi said in his anti-Russian Federation statement, “Imagine yourself. What if one permanent member of the Security Council would launch an aggression against your homeland, grab your territory, and then cease hostilities, calling for peace. I would call it an unjust peace.”
He continued, “It would be a victory for the aggressor if such actions were tolerated. It would set a terrible precedent for the rest of the planet.”
Hayashi and Kishida are implying that they support the war until the Russian Federation is defeated. It matters not that Merkel and Hollande confirm that the Minsk Agreement was a facade to buy time for Ukraine. Also, it matters not to the Kishida administration – unlike Abe who was more neutral – that thousands of Russians were killed in Russian-dominated indigenous areas before 2022.
All that matters to the Kishida administration is that they can erase Article 9 by playing the anti-China and anti-Russia card. Also, it will cement Japan’s pro-America policies to a level unheard of since the pre-War period.
The ruling LDP in Japan can’t be trusted on economics after more than three squandered decades. Accordingly, Kishida is utilizing petty nationalism along with other members of the ruling party.
America seeks a military arms race in Northeast Asia and Japan is following suit under Kishida despite the horrendous mountain of debt.

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