Japan Art and Hokusai: Mount Fuji
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) is one of the most highly acclaimed artists to hail from Japan. In the images in this article, the central theme of Mount Fuji is highlighted in contrasting styles – from realism to imagination and enormous creativity.
The British Museum says, “The leading ‘Ukiyoe’ artist of the later Edo period, Hokusai had the longest career of any of them – more than seventy years – and during this time changed his style many times, making unique contributions in all fields. As his art name ‘Gakyojin’ suggests, he was indeed ‘mad with painting.'”

Mount Fuji is one of the most famous mountains in the world. Indeed, even people who know little about Japan will have heard about Mount Fuji. Therefore, with Shintoism – and nature – being interwoven: this mountain takes on a powerful extra dimension.
The Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji by Hokusai is a famous series of prints.

In the adorable print above by Hokusai, it is easy to imagine the emotions of the people viewing Mount Fuji from a distance. The snow-filled landscape and Mount Fuji highlight the beauty and potency of nature through the prism of art.

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