Japan Art and Inagaki Toshijiro: Kyoto Artist
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The artist Inagaki Toshijiro (1902-1963) was born in the cultural city of Kyoto. He specialized in Katazome (dyeing fabrics using the methodology of resist paste via stencil).
He utilized the Katazome style in the early post-war period. Accordingly, all three art pieces in this article by Inagaki were created in the same period.

Inagaki selected plants from the countryside in the environs of Kyoto – concerning the dyes he created.
The Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art says, “Inagaki Toshijiro (1902-1963), an artist who was designated as a Living National Treasure for his stencil dyeing, created elaborately designed works one after another within the limitations of the traditional production methods he followed.”

In the late stages of his life, he became a professor at Kyoto Municipal Fine Arts College.

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