Japan SDF to send nurses to Covid-19 blighted hospital in Asahikawa
Kanako Mita and Noriko Watanabe
Modern Tokyo Times

At least two hospitals in the city of Asahikawa in Hokkaido are facing severe problems because of increasing coronavirus (Covid-19) infections. Hence, the government of Japan is on standby to send nurses within the Self-Defense Forces to assist hospitals that are under increasing strain.
Currently, 217 coronavirus patients are in Asahikawa-Kosei General Hospital and a further 184 are in Yoshida Hospital. In recent weeks the city of Sapporo in Hokkaido was also hit. Therefore, the situation in parts of Hokkaido remains tense.
It is understood that roughly 20 nurses from the Self-Defense Forces will assist Yoshida Hospital. Apparently, this hospital requested help from November 25. This came in the form of a letter sent to the governor of Hokkaido.
The Governor of Osaka, Yoshimura Hirofumi, is also requesting nurses to be sent from the military. Hence, the situation in parts of Japan is deteriorating during the recent upsurge of new infections throughout parts of the country.
Overall, the winter season and issues related to tourism and festivities during the New Year period look set to burden the health care system further. The likelihood is the continuation of new infections and clusters to emerge like in Asahikawa.
https://stopcovid19.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/en/ – Tokyo Metropolitan Government website for updates about the coronavirus crisis in Tokyo.
https://toyokeizai.net/sp/visual/tko/covid19/en.html – Japan and Tokyo Covid-19 news with more analysis
https://covid19japan.com/ – Japan regional coronavirus statistics
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ World coronavirus statistics

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