Komeito Objects to Kishida’s Militarist Agenda: Article 9 and Biden
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The Komeito Party is focused on helping Japanese people reeling from recent economic convulsions concerning economic pitfalls that followed the Covid-19 crisis and sanctions on the Russian Federation. Therefore, with living standards declining under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Komeito is focused on “bread and butter” issues that concern the electorate.
However, unlike Shinzo Abe (brutally assassinated in Japan) who sought cordial relations with the Russian Federation, Kishida seeks to militarize while adopting anti-Russian components. Accordingly, the Kishida administration – following the mantra of President Joe Biden in America – utilizes endless hostile statements against China and the Russian Federation to further his doubling of the military budget.
Komeito is worried about the nationalist and militarist tendencies of the current Kishida administration – which is moving in the nationalist direction. Hence, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) under Kishida seeks to free itself from the military constraints of Article 9. At the same time, Kishida doubled the military budget to 2 percent of GDP (despite the mountain of debt). Therefore, the partnership between the LDP and Komeito is fraying – even if slowly.
Vice Representative Kazuo Kitagawa of Komeito objected to the amendments of Article 9 – that is being proposed by the Kishida admin.
Naturally, America under Biden welcomes the doubling of the military budget of Japan – given the war-mongering nature of the Democratic Party. The military budget under Biden is the highest in history and accounts for a staggering $1.7 trillion over two years.
The objection of Kitagawa is the first time Komeito is voicing genuine concern over the gradual dismantling of Article 9 under Kishida when debating this at the Lower House.
At the panel of the Lower House, Kitagawa said: “The LDP insists that the phrase ‘shall not preclude’ falls within the scope of Article 9’s second paragraph. But there are many laws that use the phrase ‘shall not preclude’ in allowing for exceptions. It therefore leaves room for the provision (Part 2 of Article 9) to be construed as an exception to Article 9’s second paragraph, and I cannot approve of it.”
Komeito understands that Kishida – with the encouragement of America – seeks to expand the role of the armed forces of Japan. This is aimed at China and the Russian Federation and will lead to an increasing arms race and division of Northeast Asia.
Two years ago, Natsuo Yamaguchi of Komeito said: “As the birth rate declines and the population ages, we will need to put more resources toward social security and education.”

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