Maduro of Venezuela and Starmer of the UK seek to curtail X (Elon Musk)
Noriko Watanabe, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

President Nicolás Maduro is obsessed with preserving power concentration by all means possible. Since three young girls were murdered by a young foreign national in Southport (England), the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Keir Starmer) is equally disdainful towards social media.
Also, similarly to Maduro, Starmer is threatening to arrest people – if they are deemed to be peddling misinformation. Starmer says this, despite knowing that the United Kingdom is blighted by a shamelessly low conviction rate for rape and female genital mutilation. Therefore, it sums up his priority.
The BBC reports, “In the year to September 2021, just 1.3% of rape cases recorded by police resulted in a suspect being charged (or receiving a summons). This compares to a 7.1% charge rate for all other recorded crimes in the same period.”
Ironically, the Labour Party peddled misinformation to go to war against Iraq. The upshot was vast numbers of deaths. Also, the same political party supported the Biafran Genocide by backing Nigeria to crush this mainly Christian ethnic group (Igbo) – and sold military weapons to a host of despotic nations throughout the history of this party (similar to the Conservative Party). Therefore, the moral high ground is ironic.
Ongoing political tensions in Venezuela after the recent election – with Maduro being accused of manipulating the election and then threatening people via the state apparatus – entails a temporary curtailment of X (Twitter) after Elon Musk rebuked the authoritarian tendencies of Maduro.
Starmer is utilizing the state apparatus and events after the brutal murder of three girls in Southport to invent a narrative that suits his political party (both mainstream parties who dominate power are concerned about the growth of the Reform Party). Accordingly, Starmer is playing the “race card” and “Muslim card.” Therefore, he turned these deaths on their head – and instead, the Far-Right is being blamed while Muslim gangs threatening the indigenous get a milder response (the Far Left lied about an attack against a Muslim that was fake to whip up hatred).
In response to Musk, Maduro accused him of “inciting hatred and fascism.”
Maduro continued, “We have to defeat the cyber coup.”

Starmer (and left-wing protesters who are anti-indigenous working-class) also seeks to scapegoat social media because he can’t control the narrative. Hence, the police and legal system – the very same system that overwhelmingly fails to put rapists in prison or people involved in carrying out female genital mutilation (FGM) on young girls – is suddenly clamping down on the indigenous community who are opposed to their country being run down year after year – decade after decade.
Mass riots never materialized despite Islamic terrorist attacks that killed many in Manchester and London – nor when it came to light that the police and political class had betrayed indigenous working-class girls for years in Telford to Rotherham (Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs raped vast numbers of indigenous girls on a huge scale for many years before this issue was taken seriously). However, unlike Starmer seeking to protect the Muslim community at the drop of a hat on an imagined threat (not the indigenous community), no political party sought increased resources to protect indigenous working-class girls from Muslim grooming gangs in the many cities and towns blighted by this horrendous reality.
Indigenous communities are a declining 37% minority in London – and the same is happening in other cities and towns throughout parts of the United Kingdom. At the same time, Islamization is taking hold whereby a sizeable minority of Muslims now want Islamic Sharia law (a state within a state).
Musk said, “If incompatible cultures are brought together without assimilation, conflict is inevitable.”
The spokesperson for Starmer uttered there is “no justification for comments like that.” Also, “Anyone who is whipping up violence online will face the full force of the law.”
Starmer – noting that Muslims in some parts of the country turned against the Labour Party in the recent election – is favoring this community over the indigenous working class (indigenous girls were often groomed by Pakistani Muslims in Labour-held areas – the Labour Party did little to address this for many years).
Musk – noting the bias of Starmer – uttered, “Shouldn’t you be concerned about attacks on *all* communities?”
After people were arrested in the United Kingdom for comments on social media – similar to what happens in Iran and other despotic nations – Musk said, “Is this Britain or the Soviet Union?”

Musk branded Starmer #twotierkeir – where the law and nation favor one community over the indigenous British. Many British nationals – despite the race card seeking to shame anyone who questions what is happening in the United Kingdom – will share the same conclusion (agree with Musk).
Maduro utilizes the state apparatus to quell popular discontent.
Starmer is equally using the state apparatus to carry out draconian laws to intimidate people – and this is backed by the same police and legal system that fails raped women to girls abused by FGM.
Al Jazeera reports, “In August 2014, a groundbreaking report by former senior social worker Alexis Jay revealed that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town from 1997 to 2013, predominantly by Pakistani-British men. It revealed that council staff and others knew of the abuse but turned a blind eye to what was happening and refused to identify the perpetrators in part for fear of being branded racist.”
The Guardian says (2022), “More than a thousand children in Telford were sexually exploited over decades amid the failure of authorities to investigate “emboldened offenders”, an independent inquiry into the scandal has concluded.”
Modern Tokyo Times recently said, “British protesters face the usual combined forces of the political establishment, legacy media, the police, and left-wing self-loathing groups playing the race card who target pro-British nationals via violence and intimidation. All four forces utilize their respective strengths to crush pro-British nationals who solely want normality – and their country to resemble the traditions of the United Kingdom.”
Starmer, the police (political enforces), legacy media, and anti-racist agitators (anti-indigenous working-class) all combine to crush pro-British protesters along with the law.
Vast numbers of people are tired of Islamization, being marginalized in their own country, endless Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs who target indigenous girls in countless cities and towns, and being turned into a declining 37% minority in London (and in other cities and towns).

Starmer and Maduro share similar tendencies concerning X (Twitter).
The deaths of three young girls in Southport are being manipulated by Starmer – for political means.
Accordingly, he is pushing the “immigration card” and “Muslim card” – and humiliating people who are loyal to the United Kingdom via his two-tier approach.
Since the crisis in Gaza – after Palestinian Muslims slaughtered approximately 1,200 Jews – Islamists, pro-Palestinians, and various self-loathing left-wing organizations have protested among Islamist flags. These collective forces have shown utter disdain towards Jews (Israel) and the British way of life. However, despite the flags of Islamic extremism being visible, the police took a soft approach.
Ordinary British nationals are tired of seeing the country being run down by politicians – when will enough be enough?
It says much when Starmer and Maduro share a similar view about X (Twitter).

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi’s website and Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News