MP Amess stabbed to death by Islamist inside a church in England: Apostates face death in Somalia
Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

A serving Member of Parliament (MP), Sir David Amess of the United Kingdom, was brutally murdered by an Islamist in a Christian Church in eastern England. According to sources, the Islamist is a British national of Somali heritage. Ironically, in Somalia, all apostates from Islam to Christianity are killed by the Sunni Islamist Al-Shabaab terrorist group.
Amess, aged 69, had little chance against his Islamist killer who is reported to be 25. Hence, one moment Amess was caring for his constituents – irrespective of class, ethnicity, gender, or religion – and then suddenly he was brutally murdered after being stabbed many times.
The BBC reports, “Sir David had been an MP since 1983 and was married with five children. He is the second serving MP to be killed in the past five years, following the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016.”
Al Jazeera says, “… a man walked into Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, south Essex, where Amess was holding a surgery with locals on Friday and attacked the politician.”
BJ Harrington, Essex Police Chief Constable, said, Amess was “simply dispensing his duties when his life was horrifically cut short.”
The Guardian reports, “News of the attack prompted shock and revulsion both in the constituency, where Amess was a well-known and visible figure, and from other MPs, faith leaders and others. Flags were flown at half-mast at Downing Street and parliament.”
Reportedly, the killer is a British national of Somali heritage. If so, then it is important to point out that in Somalia all Muslim converts to Christianity are killed by Al-Shabaab (Sunni Islamist terrorist group). The government of Somalia also doesn’t tolerate a pluralistic religious society. Indeed, Somali atheists in the diaspora also face death threats.
Somalian Islamists have also killed Christians in Kenya. The BBC reports, “When al-Shabab killed 148 people in an attack on Kenya’s north-eastern Garissa University College in April 2015, the militants reportedly singled out Christians and shot them, while freeing many Muslims.”
Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said, “Above all, he was one of the kindest, nicest and most gentle people in politics. And he also had an outstanding record of passing laws to help the most vulnerable.”
The Prime Minister continued, “We’ve lost today a fine public servant, and a much-loved friend and colleague, and our thoughts are very much today with his wife, his children and his family.”
Political elites in the UK need to admit that the social cohesion of decades ago is long gone. For example, recently a teenage refugee from Afghanistan was stabbed to death. This brutal killing took place in front of children in southwest London. Similarly, the rape conviction rate is horrendously low, FGM cases are rarely prosecuted, knife crime is a daily reality, elderly people fear walking out at night in the inner-cities, ISIS (Islamic State) terrorists from the UK have killed people brutally in Iraq and Syria, narcotics, and other social ills. Therefore, the murder of two MP’s in the last five years – one killed by a nationalist and the other killed by an Islamist – is part of the reality of modern society in the UK.
Meanwhile, some videos on social media show people gloating about the death of Sir David Amess. – Somalian atheists and death threats in the diaspora – Somalian Islamists kill Christians in Kenya Refugee from Afghanistan stabbed to death in front of children

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