PM Viktor Orbán of Hungary says, “We’re David who Goliath is best off steering clear of”
Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary waved to vast numbers of supporters in Budapest. The mass rally in support of Orbán and the Hungarian government was also reminded how Hungary stood up to the tyranny of the Soviet Union 65 years ago. Henceforth, Hungary, according to Orbán, is entering a period of unprecedented growth.
Voice of America reports, “The rally was dubbed a “Peace March” and participants gathered along the western bank of the Danube River and departed across Liberty Bridge, winding through downtown Budapest toward the site of a rare public speech that Orban delivered to his supporters.”
Orbán said, “We’re the ones who in ’56 poked global communism in the eye and the ones who knocked the first brick out of the Berlin Wall.”
Pointedly, Orbán said, “We have created a million new jobs, got rid of foreign currency loans, cut taxes, and next year the minimum wage will be higher than the average wage during the time of the [former governing] Socialists.”
Concerning the media – and constant attacks against any independent and pro-European cultural nation-state (Hungary, Poland, and others) – he said, “The real challenge, and even a threat, is the international forces — the money, media and the network behind them.”
The same media networks aren’t calling for change into the internal affairs of European nations blighted by female genital mutilation (FGM), high crime, narcotics, the monitoring of vast numbers of terrorist supporters, no-go areas in cities where the elderly fear to walk outside at night, and other ills. Nor are the same media networks rebuking nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia who don’t give full refugee status to black African Christians – just like little is said about the refugee policies of China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and other wealthier nations in Asia. Therefore, the narrative is aimed at pro-European nations who seek to preserve their culture and traditions.
Hungary Today reports, “The prime minister said Hungary was now giving both the elderly and young people their due, with the phasing in of the 13-month pension and the tax break for young workers being introduced next year. Further, families raising children are getting this year’s taxes returned to them, he noted.”
Orbán said, “We taxed multinationals, protected families, and now utility bills are the lowest in Europe.”
Internally, Orbán will face a challenge by the six largest opposition political parties in Hungary. Allegedly, they have set aside their ideological differences and will challenge the ruling party.
If nations, including Hungary and Poland, seek to preserve their rich traditions, then outside nations shouldn’t meddle in their internal affairs. Similarly, if nations including Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands (Holland) desire mass immigration and dramatic cultural changes, then let the ballot box decide.

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