Russia and Economic Conference attracts 70 nations: EU and G7 not attending
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The Russian Federation is currently holding the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Approximately 70 nations and territories have sent attendees and delegations, despite the ongoing coronavirus crisis and economic sanctions put on this nation. Topics of interest include economics, technology, global economic and social response to the coronavirus and sanctions-hit economy – and other important areas related to business and geopolitics.
TASS News reports, “According to the information posted on the forum’s official website, business dialogues will be held with representatives from Africa, the Middle East, Egypt, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China and Latin America, and economic ties with the Eurasian Economic Union and ASEAN will also be discussed, Izvestia writes.”
President Vladimir Putin will talk about an array of topics related to energy, food insecurity, anti-Russian Federation sanctions, geopolitics, and the need for nations not to succumb to the diktats of the European Union (EU) and G7 nations.
This applies to the EU and G7 nations taking an anti-Russian Federation stance concerning the crisis in Ukraine and the Donbas (Donbass) region. Indigenous Russians and non-Russian ethnic speakers of Russian in the Donbas region – and adjacent areas – who look to “mother Russia” have faced years of hostility from nationalist forces in Kiev (Kyiv), who back central Ukrainian forces to crush the ethnically diverse region of Donbas.
The economic conference brings together nations that seek new opportunities and enhance ties with countless nations – from China to countries in South America – from Egypt to India – and includes essential energy players like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Also, it is a reminder to the world that the Russian Federation isn’t isolated – on the contrary, the Russian Federation supports a multipolar world.
For example, the Russian Federation is a member of the BRICS group and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). BRICS encompasses Brazil, China, India, Russia, and South Africa – along with nations from Central Asia and other parts of Asia concerning the SCO. Other important international blocs notably include important relations between the Russian Federation and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
ASEAN website – alluding to 2022 – says, “ASEAN and Russia representatives further expressed interest to strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest in science and technology, including in the development of smart cities, food security, health, and digitalization.”
During the ongoing conference in St. Petersburg, another four countries look set to join the MIR payment system sponsored by the government of the Russian Federation. The First Deputy Chairperson of the Bank of Russia, Olga Skorobogatova, announced, “We have good news. In addition to the 10 countries that now accept [Mir cards], there are four more on the agenda. I can’t say the names, but just over the last two months two countries have been added. We hope that you will learn about them soon.”
Nations that already utilize the MIRS system include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey (NATO member), Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
EU and G7 nations never put sanctions on America (other allies, including the United Kingdom, also joined America in several wars) for the deaths of 387,000 civilians and the uprooting of 38 million people since the September 11 terrorist attack. This concerns countless wars since this period.
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs (Brown University – America) says, “Millions of people living in the war zones have also been displaced by war. The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced at least 38 million people in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria. This number exceeds the total displaced by every war since 1900, except World War II.”
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs also states that 387,000 civilians have been killed in America’s fight against terrorism. Prime Minister Kishida of Japan – and lofty words emanating from Canada to the EU – mock these deaths concerning the “international law” narrative. After all, this is nothing more than the “humanitarian war doctrine” utilized by the leaders of America and the United Kingdom in recent times. This figure is over 400,000 dead if the Sahel region is counted concerning the regional convulsions triggered by the bombing of Libya.
Putin is likely to address many issues – including the hypocrisy of nations that expanded the NATO military camp to the borders of the Russian Federation and how they turned a blind eye to recent wars instigated by America.
Overall, the Russian Federation is highlighting that it isn’t isolated – and despite the problems generated by economic sanctions and America (and EU and G7 allies) providing tens of billions in military arms to Ukraine – this nation is not only international in its outlook, but it also hopes to expand ties and generate new economic and scientific deals.

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