Russian Federation recognizes the Donetsk and Lugansk republics
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The Russian Federation recognizes the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. Hence, with the guarantee of friendship, mutual cooperation, and assistance – the people of this region now come under the protection of the Russian Federation. Therefore, leading Western nations who encouraged Ukrainian nationalist forces to turn Westwards – while increasing the military might of Ukraine – have merely led Russians and Russian speakers in Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk to seek the protection of “mother Russia.”
President Vladimir Putin said, “I believe it is necessary to take this long-overdue decision. I immediately recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.”
Concerning Ukraine and NATO neither this military alliance nor Ukraine would guarantee that NATO expansion wouldn’t include Ukraine in the future. Putin said, “I will explain, that the US strategic planning documents […] stipulate an option of the so-called preemptive strike on enemy’s missile systems. And we know who the main enemy for the US and NATO is. It is Russia. NATO documents officially, straightforwardly declare Russia as the main threat to Euro-Atlantic security. And Ukraine will serve as a foothold for such a strike.”
The BBC reports, “Both Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with the Russian leader ahead of his announcement. Western powers have rallied behind Ukraine, promising harsh sanctions against Russia if it invades – though it is not yet clear how far the response to this move will go.”
The Mises Institute (José Niño) also highlights existing divisions within NATO concerning the Russian Federation. Mises reports, “Additionally, the Russo-Ukrainian conflict is currently exposing contradictions within Europe regarding security and economic priorities. Countries such as Italy have taken more balanced stances toward Russia, stressing the importance of dialogue while maintaining robust trade ties. Croatian president Zoran Milanović recently announced that Croatia will withdraw all its NATO forces from eastern Europe if a hot conflict between Ukraine and Russia breaks out. Germany itself has refused to send arms to Ukraine amid alleged threats of an imminent Russian invasion. Other NATO members like Hungary believe that Russia’s security concerns are reasonable and are aiming to boost natural gas commerce with the nation.”
Yesterday, Modern Tokyo Times said, “For many Western leaders who are taking the anti-Russian Federation line – concerning NATO membership and being encouraged by President Joe Biden of America and Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom – the majority could barely mention seven cities in Ukraine. Also, the majority know nothing about the complex history of the region and how the Soviet Union handed Crimea to Ukraine. Therefore, NATO powers and anti-Russian Federation nations are supporting the communist diktat of the Soviet Union, rather than the historical legacy that Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.”
The Russian Federation is concerned about more military weapons being sent to Ukraine and the training of forces by hostile nations – notably America, the United Kingdom, and the Baltic states. At the same time, endless NATO encroachment is leading to geopolitical convulsions that are made in Washington and London.
It appears absurd to take America’s words seriously. After all, from Agent Orange in Vietnam to supporting right-wing deaths squads in South America in more distant history – to destabilizing Iraq, Libya, Syria, the former Yugoslavia, and other nations in more recent history: then the Russian Federation is merely concerned about the rights of Russians and Russian speakers who look to “mother Russia” for protection.
Nationalism in Georgia and Ukraine – along with NATO encouragement – was a disaster in the making. After all, unlike other nations that succumbed to the intrigues of NATO at the behest of America and the United Kingdom – the Russian Federation can’t be bullied despite endless propaganda.
European powers and the Russian Federation need a reset concerning the interests of Europe and not the diktats of America – or the intrigues of the United Kingdom that left the European Union. It is time for France and Germany to focus on their respective self-interests and the common European Home – rather than endless divisions brought about by NATO expansion.
The late Stephen F. Cohen (1938-2020) – concerning the crisis between the Russian Federation and Ukraine – said (2019), “The short but essential answer is Washington’s decision, taken by President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, to expand NATO eastward from Germany and eventually to Ukraine itself. Ever since, both Democrats and Republicans have insisted that Ukraine is a “vital US national interest.” Those of us who opposed that folly warned it would lead to dangerous conflicts with Moscow, conceivably even war. Imagine Washington’s reaction, we pointed out, if Russian military bases began to appear on Canada’s or Mexico’s borders with America. We were not wrong: An estimated 13,000 souls have already died in the Ukrainian-Russian war in the Donbas and some 2 million people have been displaced.”

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