Suspected Islamists Butcher People at a Wedding Ceremony in Mali
Noriko Watanabe and Michiyo Tanabe
Modern Tokyo Times

Suspected Islamists killed at least 21 people at a wedding ceremony in Mali.
It is known that many of the innocent civilians had their throats slit by Islamists. This took place in the village of Djiguibombo – near Bandiagara.
Moulaye Guindo (Mayor of Bankass) said, “It was a very serious attack, armed men surrounded the village and shot at people.”
Deutsche Welle reports, “Ginna Dogon, an organization that represents the Dogon ethnic group, said the attackers looted people’s houses, set fire to a health center and stole livestock and supplies. Ginna Dogon, an organization that represents the Dogon ethnic group, said the attackers looted people’s houses, set fire to a health center and stole livestock and supplies.”
AFP News reports, “Mali has since 2012 been ravaged by different factions affiliated to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group, as well as by self-declared, self-defense forces and bandits.”
In other parts of Mali, Islamists loyal to ISIS (Islamic State – IS) continue to lay siege to Menaka and Timbuktu in Mali.
Unlike Timbuktu, where some aid reaches embattled civilians, Menaka is cut off from humanitarian assistance. Accordingly, 140,000 civilians face malnutrition.
Wani Ould Hamadi (Deputy Major of Menaka) said, “The humanitarian situation is catastrophic, with displaced people going from house to house asking for food for their families. Children are threatened with starvation.”
Lee Jay Walker (Modern Tokyo Times analyst) says, “Sunni Islamic terrorist groups utilize Libya (North Africa) and Nigeria (West Africa) to spread regional mayhem throughout the Sahel and Lake Chad region. This concerns criminal activity, terrorist networks, weapons, the spreading of Islamist Takfiri ideology, and so on.”
Islamic terrorist groups utilize border areas to form tacit safe havens. Accordingly, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger seek to counter this weakness – and other essential areas in their collective fight against Islamic terrorism.
The Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) – and other insurgent forces connected to Islamist groups – oppose the entrenchment of the armed forces of Mali in northern parts of the country.

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