Tokyo Police Introduce a Quick Test for Date Rape Drugs: Female Protection
Sawako Uchida, Sawako Utsumi, and Noriko Watanabe
Modern Tokyo Times

In a significant milestone, nearly all major Police Stations in Tokyo will start testing for “date rape drugs” if any suspicions are suspected. The test kit (D1D Plus) can detect within minutes if “date rape drugs” were used by heinous rapists.
This test kit will also deter “would-be rapists” from using various drugs to induce sleep in the victim.
Also, by reducing the time it takes to know what happened at the crime scene, the female (or male-on-male rape) can get immediate support – and all doubts about what happened can be tackled.
In a recent case in Ikebukuro (Tokyo), the test kit clarified immediately that a young lady was a victim of “date rape drugs” by a heinous sexual abuser.
Kyodo News quotes the head of the First Investigation Division (Tsuyoshi Koda) into sex crimes. Tsuyoshi Koda says, “We want to eliminate date rape, and expose even more cases with this test kit.”
One female inspector who investigates heinous sex crimes (The Daily Maichi reports) said: “I have the impression that the burden on victims has decreased considerably with the introduction of the kit. I would like anyone feeling anxious about their situation to feel free to talk to us.”
Under the former leader Shinzo Abe (brutally assassinated in Japan), several laws were passed concerning rape and child abuse – whereby amendments were made for the first time in 100 years.
Waseda Law School Professor (Kayoko Kitagawa) reports, “On June 16, 2017, in the 193rd session of the National Diet of Japan, a partial amendment (Act No. 72 of 2017) to the Penal Code, pertaining to sexual offenses, was adopted. It was subsequently enacted on July 13, 2017.”
Professor Kayoko Kitagawa continues, “This amendment greatly changed the former penal regulations on sexual offenses, such as rape, and was the first significant review of sexual offenses since the establishment of the Penal Code in 1907.”
Various areas were strengthened concerning rape and abuse of adults and minors.
It is hoped that further amendments will continue to strengthen the legal system and provide the police with more powers to protect innocents.

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