US Spying and Silence in Japan: Leaked Documents and South Korea (Russia)
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan – and other members of his Cabinet – are mute concerning allegations of America spying on allies. This isn’t surprising. However, it makes a mockery of Kishida’s mantra of “the rule of law” aimed at China and the Russian Federation.
Accordingly, another spying campaign by America – similar to developments under Barack Obama, when friends and foes were targeted – appears to be happening once more under a Democratic Party administration.
The Guardian reports, “While some have seized on the fact that the US spies on allies such as Israel and South Korea, this has long been known and was described in detail in the documents leaked by Edward Snowden. However, most interesting in this regard is the fact that the US was surveilling the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, suggesting a desire in Washington to keep tabs on Kyiv even as it has been supplying it with billions of dollars of weapons systems.”
President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea – similar to Kishida – is pro-America to an extreme. However, after he capitulated to Japan, where Yoon supported South Korean companies paying for Koreans who were forced to work by Japanese companies during the colonial period: Yoon is now “taking a knee” to America by downplaying this nation spying on South Korea.
Kyodo News reports, “Under the plan, a South Korean government-backed foundation will pay compensation to Korean plaintiffs who won lawsuits over alleged forced labor during Japan’s 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula instead of the Japanese companies that were sued.”
Yoon is now tolerating the “alleged” spying by America in the upper echelons of South Korea’s security apparatus. However, opposition political figures in South Korea – said that spying allegations are “a super-scale security breach.”
The main opposition leader in South Korea (Lee Jae-myung) said, “If it is true that they have spied on us, it is a very disappointing act that undermines the South Korea-U.S. alliance, which is based on mutual trust.”
Opposition lawmakers declared that America is “violating the sovereignty” of an important ally.
In the opposite direction, Yoon declares that “some” of the leaked documents were fabricated. However, “some” is still a major national security problem for South Korea.
Accordingly, why is Yoon so keen to allow South Korean companies to pay for Koreans forced to work for Japan during the colonial period – and now tolerating American spying at the highest level of national security?
The New York Times reports, “A third document showed what looked like a timetable for 330,000 artillery shells in South Korea being airlifted to Ukraine or shipped from the South Korean port of Jinhae to the German port of Nordenham. It was unclear whether the timetable described a shipment already underway or just planned. The origin of the shells could indicate that the U.S. military was diverting its own stockpiles held in South Korea to Ukraine or that it was buying shells from South Korea to help replenish its own stockpiles.”
Poland – a major anti-Russian Federation nation – is buying vast military arms from South Korea. This includes aircraft, howitzers, tanks, and missiles. Henceforth, the Russian Federation now faces two hostile nations in Northeast Asia.
Japan and South Korea espouse nationalist tendencies. Yet both nations overtly rely on America for their respective national security.
NBC reports, “Many of the documents that NBC News obtained, dated from February to March, appear to be briefing slides prepared by the U.S. military’s Joint Staff and refer to information gleaned from an array of U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees U.S. spy satellites. Some of the documents carry the label NOFORN, which prohibits the information from being shared with foreign partners.”
Kishida’s mantra of “the rule of law” concerning America and newly leaked documents – highlights the charade of his own words.
Kishida knows about the reality of Agent Orange against Vietnam, lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction so America could invade Iraq, Operation Condor, and other ill deeds by America.
He also knows about the spying scandals that emerged during the administration of Barack Obama. Therefore, the latest revelations of America spying on South Korea – and other countries – is further evidence that America doesn’t play by the rules of “international law.”
Kishida and Yoon are two puppets being played by the Democratic Party in America. The only difference is that under Yoon, South Korea is now a puppet of America and Japan.
The Russian Federation now faces two leaders in Northeast Asia who put America first.
After all, under the late Shinzo Abe (brutally assassinated), Japan sought cordial relations with the Russian Federation. This continued after Crimea reverted to Russia because Abe focused on the national interests of Japan.
Kishida and Yoon are too busy complying with the geopolitical intrigues of America.

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