Cameroon in a new influx of Nigerians fleeing Islamists
Sawako Uchida and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Over 1,000 people from Nigeria have fled to Cameroon after constant Boko Haram attacks. Islamists from Boko Haram have killed over 35,0000 people in Nigeria. Hence, central forces in Nigeria continue to fail in crushing this Islamist threat – and others.
Cameroon faces internal problems over language and cultural identity – and also faces a cholera crisis. Thus with past refugees also putting a burden on Cameroon, the latest influx is putting enormous strains on this nation.
Voice of America reports, “Cameroon says more than 1,000 Nigerians have crossed the country’s border in the past three weeks – fleeing attacks by Boko Haram militants in northeast Borno state. Cameroon’s overcrowded camps are struggling to feed the displaced Nigerians as the country is also dealing with an outbreak of cholera.”
Several million people are displaced in Cameroon because of internal and external problems. The shortfall in emergency assistance is approximately 40 percent. This amounts to a 15 million dollar shortfall. Therefore, the World Food Program is warning about the critical situation.
Boko Haram, a brutal Sunni Islamist Takfiri terrorist group, is known to kidnap Christian females and convert them to Islam, blow up Christian churches and Muslim mosques, attack schools, blow up markets, and other brutal methods. Hence, it is abundantly obvious that the security forces of Cameroon, Nigeria, and others are facing a brutal foe.
The international community needs to work with regional nations to assist in multiple layers against several Islamist forces. Other issues also exist. However, the number one menace regionally is the various Islamist groups that are sowing the seeds of chaos, division, poverty, sectarianism, and enormous instability.

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