Art of Japan: Fading hope and the reality of life!
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The esteemed Japanese artist, Hayami Gyoshū (1894-1935), was born in Tokyo. Art became a way of life from a very early age for Gyoshū. Thus the flow of new Western art forms – along with the beauty of traditional Japanese art forms – altered the artistic landscape of Japan during the Meiji Period (1868-1912).
Gyoshū studied traditional artistic techniques during his apprenticeship when he was 15 years old. He served under Matsumoto Fūko and quickly became noticed. Hence he was invited by Shikō Imamura to join the Kojikai circle of innovative young artists.
Rather than focusing extensively on his life, the main focus is on his adorable art piece titled Camellia Petals Scattering. Gyoshū created this delightful art piece after visiting Kyoto. Therefore, after viewing the historical camellia tree (Goshiki Yae Chiri Tsubaki), his creative mind accomplished another amazing art piece.

One can only imagine how he felt during his visit to the Jizo-in temple in Kyoto. Equally, his passion before reaching the temple must have built up tremendously. Hence, with each movement on his sketch, a fusion of ideas entered his mindset.
Art is always open to interpretation. However, I view the petals on the floor with fading hope and the reality of life. On the one hand, you have a stunning camellia tree full of the beauty of this world. However, on the other hand, the gradual reality of life – with each petal on the ground – represents fading hope and dreams.
Irrespective of the bigger picture – or if purely an art piece inspired by Suzuki Kiitsu (1795-1858) – the outcome is intriguing and utterly delightful.

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