Ex female-MP in Afghanistan says, “Happy to have gotten rid of all these thieves and losers who left the country.”
Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Images are circulating all over the world of adult males seeking to escape Afghanistan, while the last remnants of American and other foreign troops remain. All nations involved in major wars pay homage to soldiers who died protecting their respective nations. Equally, ordinary people who sacrificed everything are cherished because they enabled the functioning of the state during wartime. Therefore, for some in Afghanistan, the sight of rich individuals fleeing the nation, the military melting away without putting up any semblance of a fight, and the vast number of males seeking to escape Kabul is too much to witness.
The former MP, Elay Ershad, expressed her thinking strongly to Voice of America. Naturally, given the speed of events, emotions are running high throughout the country. Hence, some people will blame the administration of President Biden who had no contingency plan for the worst-case scenario, others will blame political elites in Afghanistan who fled at the drop of a hat, and a plethora of other ideas are swirling around Afghanistan about recent events.
Voice of America asked Ershad about what she felt about the self-exiled President Ashraf Ghani and other elites who abandoned Afghanistan. She replied strongly, “But I am quite happy to have gotten rid of all these thieves and losers who left the country and left behind their constituencies, their people. It is very embarrassing the way they fled the country.”
On Twitter, Ershad (@ElayErshad) said, “To all escaped leaders; here I am taking care of our people and country, a True leader never leaves their people behind.”
Ershad pointedly mocked the male elites who fled Afghanistan. She told Voice of America, “I am a woman and stayed back with my people, but all male politicians, they just left.”
America, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations have jumped ship because they had no contingency plan – instead, they trusted a corrupt elite that would flee.
Hence, the Russian Federation – Ershad might agree or disagree – is asking wealthier nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and other money channels to stabilize the situation. This concerns working with established institutions and agencies on the ground in Afghanistan. If this doesn’t happen, the fear is that poverty will grow even more and recent educational and health gains will disappear.
Military resistance is being reported in parts of Northern Afghanistan. However, it remains to be seen if this is short-lived or a forerunner of certain northern areas seeking to rule themselves concerning regional leaders.

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