Mali hit by several Islamist terrorist attacks
Noriko Watanabe and Sawako Uchida
Modern Tokyo Times

Mali witnessed several Islamist terrorist attacks over the weekend that killed many civilians. Accordingly, people are still in shock after a triple bombing attack destroyed many buildings in Sevare.
This area is located in the central part of the country. Hence, similar to neighboring Burkina Faso, Islamic insurgents are spreading their deadly tentacles.
Over 60 people were injured in these attacks, with at least ten civilians dying.
Voice of America reports, “Mali is the epicenter of a violent insurgency that took root in its arid north following a Tuareg separatist rebellion in 2012, and Sevare is home to a major Mali military base and troops from the United Nations mission in Mali.”
Lee Jay Walker says, “ISIS (Islamic State – IS) and branches of al-Qaida roam vast areas of the Sahel region. Accordingly, millions of people have fled parts of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and other regional nations linking West Africa (Nigeria).”
Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin – a branch of al-Qaida – also attacked government forces in the environs of Nara that killed three people.
The transitional government in Mali became disillusioned by the role of France and developed stronger ties with the Russian Federation.
The demise of Colonel Gaddafi in Libya (2011) by major NATO powers (America, France, and the United Kingdom) destabilized the fragile Sahel region to the core. Hence, internal terrorist forces, ethnic demands against central forces, international jihadists, and criminal forces benefitted from the failed policies of America, France, and the United Kingdom.

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