Military Coup in Bolivia Fails
Sawako Utsumi and Chika Mori
Modern Tokyo Times

The military coup in Bolivia led by General Juan José Zúñiga failed to usurp the government of this nation. Accordingly, President Luis Arce seeks to consolidate his position after standing firm against the armed forces who stormed the government palace.
Arce declared immediately, “We need the Bolivian people to mobilize and organize themselves against this coup d’état and in favor of democracy.”
He continued, “We cannot allow, once again, attempted coups to claim Bolivian lives.”
The Guardian reports, “Former president Evo Morales also sounded the alarm as troubling images of the disturbances spread on social media. Morales urged supporters to take to the streets and block roads to oppose the alleged coup attempt, which he blamed on the recently sacked army commander, Gen Juan José Zúñiga, who was reportedly removed from his post on the eve of Wednesday’s turmoil.”
Political tensions exist in the ruling socialist party in Bolivia. Hence, Arce faces a potent threat from Morales.
It remains to be seen if bridges will be built between Arce and Morales after the failed military coup.
The BBC reports, “Both Mr Arce and his predecessor belong to the same political party, despite internal political feuds. Their alliance has led some Bolivians, including Gen Zúñiga, to worry that Mr Morales might seek another term in office.”
Zúñiga condemned the socialist political elites.
Zúñiga said, “We are listening to the cry of the people because for many years an elite has taken control of the country.”
He continued, “The armed forces intend to restore the democracy, to make it a true democracy.”
AP News reports, “Bolivia has seen intensifying protests in recent months over the economy’s precipitous decline from one of the continent’s fastest-growing two decades ago to one of its most crisis-stricken.”
Lee Jay Walker (Modern Tokyo Times analyst) says, “All eyes are now on the power control mechanisms within the ruling socialist party concerning Arce and Morales.”

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