Japanese Animation: Grave of the Fireflies and the brutality of war

Japanese Animation: Grave of the Fireflies and the brutality of war Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Japanese art and Utagawa Yoshitaki: Oni Demon and the dreaded Catfish (Namazu)

Japanese art and Utagawa Yoshitaki: Oni Demon and the dreaded Catfish (Namazu) Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Modern Tokyo News: Pola Museum of Art in beautiful Hakone is Highlighting the Importance of Amedeo Modigliani

Modern Tokyo News: Pola Museum of Art in beautiful Hakone is Highlighting the Importance of Amedeo…

Modern Tokyo News: Kaori Muraji is a Classical Japanese Guitarist of Refinement

Modern Tokyo News: Kaori Muraji is a Classical Japanese Guitarist of Refinement Walter Sebastian and Motoko…

Japanese Art and Josetsu: China and Japan Relations based on “Catching a Catfish with a Gourd”

Japanese Art and Josetsu: China and Japan Relations based on “Catching a Catfish with a Gourd”…

Japanese Art and Folklore: The Bravery of Samurai Taira no Tadamori

Japanese Art and Folklore: The Bravery of Samurai Taira no Tadamori Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…