Taliban Islamists Impose Ban on Female Training Nurses and Midwives (Sharia)
Hiroshi Saito, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Afghanistan once was a land known for Buddhism, Hinduism, Nestorian Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and other faiths. However, after countless Islamic invasions, these faiths faced the sword of Islam and apartheid Islamic laws (dhimmitude, discrimination, and persecution) that collectively erased non-Muslims from this land.
America, several Gulf nations, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom supported the demise of communism in Afghanistan. Hence, over four decades ago, the collective nations above supported draconian Sunni Islamists to overthrow the communists who supported females studying at universities and other policies based on gender equality.
Fast forward to modern times, the Taliban retook power and are now installing anti-female laws to cover wider society. At the same time, apostates from Islam face persecution (Saudi Arabia still bans all non-Muslim holy places).
The Guardian reports, “The official decree detailing the ban has not been shared publicly, but several media reports confirmed that the order was announced at a meeting of the Taliban public health ministry on Monday and communicated to training institutes soon after.”
In Herat, a small number of female students showed dissent. They bravely declared, “Education is our right” and “We will not give up our rights.”
The BBC reports, “One of the few avenues still open to women seeking education was through the country’s further education colleges, where they could learn to be nurses or midwives.”
One young lady told the BBC, “For many of us, attending classes was a small glimmer of hope after long periods of unemployment, depression, and isolation at home.”
UN News reports, “Afghanistan already suffers from one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world – and there are deep concerns that the ban would further erode women’s precarious access to healthcare.”
In Iran, girls have been killed for not covering up. Similarly, in Pakistan, non-Muslim Christian, Hindu, and Sikh girls are forcibly converted to Islam and forced to marry older male Muslims (the UN condemned Pakistan last year over forced marriages). Accordingly, the crisis in Afghanistan is a grim reminder of the persecution of women at the hands of Islamists – or the structures of Sharia Islamic law – in many nations (or parts of the world under Islamic insurgents).
Other laws include the concealment of female voices, face, and body when leaving the home.
France 24 reports (on the above), “Among the rules in the 114-page text published by the ministry is the requirement for women to cover their bodies and faces completely if they leave the house as well as a ban on women making their voices heard in public.”
The new law stipulates, “Whenever an adult woman leaves her home out of necessity, she is obliged to conceal her voice, face, and body.”
The dark shadow of Islamism that erased Buddhism, Hinduism, Nestorian Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and other faiths in Afghanistan after Islam entered this land – is now enforcing dark shadows over the female Muslim population.
Saudi Arabia – the land of Mecca and Medina – still bans all non-Muslim holy places. Indeed, slavery was only banned in the 1960s in Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the events in Afghanistan – to ISIS in Iraq enslaving the Yazidis (female Yazidi slaves) and apostates facing prison (or worse) in Somalia to Iran – are connected by a history that isn’t distant.
The Guardian reports, “In the three years since seizing power from the US-backed government, the Taliban have imposed what human rights groups are calling a “gender apartheid”, excluding women and girls from almost every aspect of public life and denying them access to the justice system.”
Pity the women of Afghanistan who face endless draconian laws.

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