Islamic Terrorism Rocks Austria, France, Germany, and Sweden
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Islamic terrorist attacks have rocked Austria, France, Germany, and Sweden in early 2025. These attacks are not on the same scale as Islamic terrorists that are butchering Christians in nations which include the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria – or the endless Islamic terrorist attacks that blight the Sahel region (Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger), Pakistan, Somalia, and other nations. However, in Europe, the growth of Islamic terrorism, Islamic indoctrination, changing religious demographics, and social media (for example, Tik-Tok and YouTube) that seeks to convert “infidels” are self-induced problems concerning mass immigration, Gulf petrodollars, globalist goals, and the politically correct.
Indeed, Germany and Sweden have also been hit by other terrorist attacks (one by a Saudi national and the other by a Swedish national). Hence, it highlights the convulsions of Islamism in Europe that are also creating a boost for anti-Islamists who are tired of witnessing endless mass immigration to many European nations (Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and others).
In recent days, France and Germany (again) have witnessed Islamic terrorist attacks. Thus, a 19-year-old Syrian refugee committed a stabbing in the environs of the Holocaust Memorial Museum (anti-Jewish motives) in Berlin.
The German police said: “According to what we know so far, especially based on statements made by the accused to the police, he has been planning to kill Jews for several weeks.”
The Spanish victim was initially put in an artificial coma. However, the victim is no longer in a critical condition – according to the police.
Before this terrorist attack in Germany, two people recently injured in another Islamist attack in Munich were announced dead. This concerns a mother and her 2-year-old child.
It begs the question of why Europe isn’t telling the Arabic-speaking world to do more to take in mass Arabic-speaking Muslim immigration. This notably applies to wealthy Gulf Powers who rely on immigration. Similarly, how come Afghans are bypassing Central Asian nations where the Muslim faith is in the majority?
In another Islamic terrorist attack, President Emmanuel Macron said the Saturday attack was “an Islamist terror act.” This attack left one person dead and injured three people.
France 24 reports, “France’s national anti-terror prosecutors unit (PNAT), which has taken charge of the investigation, said the suspect first attacked the municipal police officers, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is greatest).”
In Austria, a 14-year-old boy was killed by a suspected 23-year-old Syrian. The killer was seen grinning after stabbing several people.
The Interior Minister of Austria (Gerhard Karner) said: “This is an Islamist attack with an IS connection by an attacker who radicalized himself within a very short time via the internet.”
AP News reports, “The suspect, a 23-year-old Syrian, was arrested after the attack, which took place on Saturday afternoon in the center of the southern city of Villach, close to the main square. Police said he used a folding knife. Those wounded were two 15-year-old boys and men aged 28, 32 and 36. Two were seriously wounded and two others are also still receiving hospital treatment, while one was treated for minor injuries.”
The Free Syrian Community of Austria said: “Anyone who causes strife and disturbs the peace of society does not represent the Syrians who have sought and received protection here.”
Herbert Kickl – right-wing leader of Austria’s Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) – said, “ I am appalled by the horrific act in Villach.”
Kickl continued, “At the same time, I am angry — angry at those politicians who have allowed stabbings, rapes, gang wars, and other capital crimes to become the order of the day in Austria. This is a first-class failure of the system, for which a young man in Villach has now had to pay with his life.”
Kickl pointedly said, “From Austria to the EU — the wrong rules are in force everywhere. Nobody is allowed to challenge them, everything is declared sacrosanct.”
In Sweden, Salwan Momika (Assyrian Christian) was killed by the same Islamist mindset. He was killed because of his role in burning the Koran and his hostile views to the Islamic faith (In his native Iraq, the majority of Christians fled Islamists – and even today, the Islamic State continues to hold Yazidis in slavery).
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson of Sweden – concerning the killing of Salwan Momika – said: “I can assure you that the security services are deeply involved because there is obviously a risk that there is a connection to a foreign power.”
The Foundation for Political Innovation (Fondation pour l’innovation politique – Fondapol) reports, “According to terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp, Sweden, like Norway, should have legislated as early as 2012-2013 to address the jihadist problem, but the issue was too sensitive at the time. In 2014, the tide turned. When three hundred Swedes – Gothenburg was overrepresented – had joined the Islamic State (IS) and similar groups, it was no longer possible to deny the problem. What emerges is a story about a Salafism in Sweden in the early 2010s that was both proselytizing, financially and ideologically supporting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other terrorist groups, and recruiting Salafists even in Sweden, sending young people to fight abroad. And money was not in short supply. Säpo’s 2021 annual report4 notes that hundreds of millions of Swedish kronor of public funds have gone to organizations with links to violent Islamist environments.”
The irony is that some of the most moderate forces that are pro-LGBT, feminist, and liberal are endangering their way of life by playing “the racist card” against anyone opposed to the current crisis.
Migrant Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs, Yazidis, and others aren’t intent on spreading terrorism and attacking the cultures they freely fled to. Hence, it is obvious where the problem exists – and it should be noted that all non-Muslim holy places are banned in Saudi Arabia and that apostates in countless nations face prison or death (Afghanistan to Somalia).
The convulsions of criminality, grooming Pakistani Muslim raping gangs in the United Kingdom of indigenous girls, Islamic terrorist attacks in several European nations, and mass immigration – fused with nations bowing down to alien cultures to create their lofty “new cultural worlds” – are creating divisions within society that are self-induced and destructive.
Many Europeans – despite the globalist media and politicians deeming everyone “far-right” if they oppose their destructive policies – are tired of being “collateral damage.”

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