First Nations and Conservative Canadians Sidelined by Trudeau’s Mass Immigration

First Nations and Conservative Canadians Sidelined by Trudeau’s Mass Immigration

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada finally admitted that his mass immigration policies aren’t working. Accordingly, this silver spoon political elite individual – his father was also the leader of Canada for many years – said, “Far too many corporations have chosen to abuse our temporary measures, exploiting foreign workers while refusing to hire Canadians for a fair wage.”

Naturally, Trudeau doesn’t have to worry about working in the “real world.” Nor does he have to worry if his community will be turned upside down ethnically and religiously. Instead, his elitist world will remain constant and privileged.

The indigenous First Nation communities once faced European colonial forces and endless European immigration that uprooted them and took their land in what became modern Canada. Now, the indigenous First Nation communities are witnessing liberal European Canadian political elites who are intent on reducing the European component – while further reducing the indigenous into cultural, economic, and political oblivion.

In the United Kingdom, the ruling political elites of both main political parties have turned the indigenous into a declining 36% minority in London (and in other major cities).

The Vancouver Sun reports, “A small number of First Nations leaders over the years, however, have said they want more influence in shaping immigration. There came a point more than a decade ago when the Assembly of First Nations resolved to “freeze all immigration coming into Canada until the federal government addresses, commits, and delivers resources to improve housing conditions, education, health, and employment in First Nations communities.”

Astonishingly, in roughly 4 years, new migrants entering Canada have overtaken the indigenous communities of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuits – who account for approximately 1.8 million people – in terms of population size. Yes, white political elites in America, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom care little about their respective indigenous working classes – irrespective if applied to the white working class in the United Kingdom or Metis in Canada to Aboriginal communities in Australia.

AP News reports, “Trudeau’s Liberal government was criticized for its plan to allow 500,000 new permanent residents into the country in each of the next two years. On Thursday, he said next year’s target will now be 395,000 new permanent residents and that the figure will drop to 380,000 in 2026 and 365,000 in 2027.”

Pierre Poilievre (leader of the opposition Conservative Party) – concerning Trudeau’s immigration policies – said, “He has destroyed our immigration system through his own personal incompetence and destroyed 150 years of common sense consensus with the Liberals and Conservatives on that subject.”

Poilievre continued, “Trudeau suddenly admitted that ‘radical uncontrolled immigration’ and policies related to it are partly to blame for joblessness, [and the] housing and health care crisis.”

Poilievre favors a rational immigration policy.

In Northeast Asia, the nations of China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have no interest in mass immigration. Similarly, despite the Gulf States being awash with immigrants, these nations don’t seek to provide citizenship en masse. Also, Gulf States seek to maintain the dominance of the indigenous Muslim faith and oppose G7 gender identity policies. Therefore, from West Asia to Northeast Asia, these nations are opposed to “replacing their cultural, gender, and religious traditions.”

Modern Tokyo Times wrote in a past article, “Yesterday, the colonialists and European settlers took the lands of the indigenous in North America. Today, the liberals and the ‘new left’ that are pro-mass immigration are a capitalist dream by stealth. However, for indigenous communities, it is perennial marginalization and the destruction of cultural forces that once shaped their histories and spirituality that continues under a new politically correct disguise.”

The Lancet reports, “Indigenous people in Canada tend to live in more rural regions, have lower rates of educational attainment, and are more likely to live in intergenerational housing and face housing insecurity than non-Indigenous Canadians. 

It remains to be seen if Trudeau can be trusted – and if he can preserve his leadership.

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi’s website and Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News