Japan art and Nikko: Nature and spirituality

Japan art and Nikko: Nature and spirituality

Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Japanese art pieces in this article focus on the natural beauty of Nikko – fused with the religious dynamics of this famous place. Accordingly, the first image is the Sacred Bridge (The Shinkyo Bridge) by Gihachiro Okuyama (1907-1981).

In this stunning landscape by Gihachiro Okuyama (completed in 1949), the beauty of Nikko visibly connects nature and faith. Therefore, individuals walk over this bridge before visiting the Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines of this beautiful part of Nikko.

The stunning landscape above is by S. Niimi. Sadly, little is known about this artist who produced lovely watercolor landscapes – apart from he was notably active in the 1930s.

This art piece depicts the beautiful Kegon Falls (Waterfall). The color of the leaves on the trees also provides a lovely angle by S. Niimi.

The final art piece is by Yoshida Hiroshi (1876-1950). He was born in Kurume (Fukuoka prefecture) but studied in several parts of Japan – notably Kyoto and Tokyo.

Yoshida Hiroshi focuses on Shinto pilgrims in Nikko. These pilgrims are enjoying the spiritual angle where Shintoism and nature naturally fuse. The far background also denotes mist – while the shrine and trees unite to entice Shinto pilgrims to pray.

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