Japan in recent Covid-19 upturn again
Kanako Mita and Sawako Uchida
Modern Tokyo Times

The ebb and flow of coronavirus (Covid-19) in Japan is showing another upturn after coming down from highs earlier in the year. At the moment, apart from Sendai, the figures aren’t alarming to the sense of the previous few months. However, with the spread of new variants – and the minimal state of emergency being ended for the worst-hit areas – the fear of increasing infections is a concern.
Tokyo is struggling to reduce the coronavirus to a reasonably low level. Similarly, Osaka continues to witness more infections after opening-up the eateries and drinking areas of nightlife. Equally, the working angle during the rush hour period is a continuing concern.
Sendai is witnessing a recent upsurge. Thus fears persist throughout the prefecture of Miyagi. Kohri Kazuko, the Mayor of Sendai, uttered, “We’re experiencing an unprecedented upsurge. It’s very critical.”
The leader of Osaka was in a rush to leave the State of Emergency. However, in recent days, new infection levels have reached the highest since Osaka lifted the emergency. Hence, fears persist that another bout of infections will lead to more deaths in Osaka, Hyogo prefecture, and other parts of Western Japan.
It seems that Japan will face similar issues over the next few months whereby infections start to fall and then increase again – with the cycle repeating itself. Thus, with the death toll nearing 9,000 deaths, the surreal coronavirus response will continue in Japan.
https://stopcovid19.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/en/ – Tokyo Metropolitan Government website for updates about the coronavirus crisis in Tokyo.
https://toyokeizai.net/sp/visual/tko/covid19/en.html – Japan and Tokyo Covid-19 news with more analysis
https://covid19japan.com/ – Japan regional coronavirus statistics
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ World coronavirus statistics

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