Kosovo Serbs in the North need to join Serbia
Chika Mori and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The crisis in Kosovo-Metohija will never be solved until both sides make compromises – while guaranteeing ancient architecture and holy places on their side of the divide who are left behind. Ideally, Kosovo (Kosovo-Metohija) would never have been granted independence by the majority of European Union nations in the first place. Then rubber-stamped by G7 nations.
However, the clock can’t be turned back. Accordingly, while Albanian and Serbian nationalists will disagree – both sides need to make compromises. The international community can’t brush aside ancient Serbian Orthodox Christianity, architecture, and other realities of Kosovo-Metohija.
Northern Cyprus was allowed to be de-Christianized because NATO powers did nothing to protect the Orthodox Christian community. Instead, Turkey continues to send settlers along with erasing the roots of North Cyprus.
KFOR (led by NATO) is sending more forces to contain the crisis in the north. This concerns the latest flare-up between Albanians and Serbians.
The BBC reports, “The crisis dates back to April, when ethnic Serbs boycotted local elections in north Kosovo – allowing ethnic Albanians to take control of local councils with a turnout of less than 4%.”
America – in a rare moment – condemned the decision of Kosovo Albanians to install fellow ethnic mayors in Northern Kosovo “by forcible means.”
The European Union also rebuked the Kosovo Albanian authorities for destabilizing north Kosovo by the actions taken in imposing Albanian mayors.
Tanjug news reports, “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a meeting with Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko on Tuesday that, despite a most brutal violation of all international agreements, Serbia would work on preserving peace and stability while demanding urgent adoption and implementation of measures that would guarantee safety to Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, which he said was the precondition for any further dialogue with representatives of the interim authorities in Pristina.”
Recent tensions in the north – for example, in Zvecan, are a reminder that a solution is needed that enables both sides to gain from a lasting peace.
This entails northern regions being accepted internationally by all parties to rejoin Serbia properly – and in return for Serbia to recognize the remaining area under Kosovo Albanian rule. Also, ancient churches, mosques, architecture, and so forth must be protected for worshippers and visitors to visit with special visas between both.
Naturally, nationalist Albanians and Serbians will disagree. However, given the regional and international divisions on this issue – and the ethnic reality – both sides need to gain something from a very complex issue.

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