Nationalist Kishida sprouts US-revisionism: 38 million displaced since 9/11 wars
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan seeks to militarize via Bill Clinton (United States), Tony Blair (United Kingdom), David Cameron (United Kingdom), Barack Obama (United States), and Joe Biden (United States) fake humanitarian angles. Hence, Kishida shamelessly glossed over 38 million people displaced – never mind the number of deaths and continuing turmoil supported by America – since the post-September 11 Islamist terrorist attacks against America in 2001.
Indeed, speaking in Singapore – and within proximity of the evil deeds by America, either directly or covertly, in the preceding decades – sums up the Kishida pro-US revisionism whereby deaths in various parts of Asia mean little to him. After all, America was responsible for dropping Agent Orange on Vietnam (even dropped Agent Orange on Cambodia and Laos despite not being at war with these two countries), supported Indonesia in crushing communism covertly along with the invasions of East Timor and West Papua (several million died and the crisis in West Papua is ongoing), and other brutal deeds that are too many to mention.
Kishida somehow uttered “international law” in the knowledge that not once did Japan decide to put economic sanctions on America for countless wars that killed millions of people. Instead, production lines in Japan literally made a killing in the capitalist sense.
Post-September 11, 2001, approximately 38 million people were uprooted. These convulsions opened by America – and often supported by allies including the United Kingdom and others – are still causing mayhem in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and the entire Sahel region that felt the convulsions of Libya. However, Kishida brushes all these ongoing convulsions under his pro-America revisionist carpet. Instead, he sprouts his anti-Russia mantra – and points the finger at China – while ignoring the countless past deeds of America along with the ongoing convulsions.
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs (Brown University – America) says, “Millions of people living in the war zones have also been displaced by war. The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced at least 38 million people in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria. This number exceeds the total displaced by every war since 1900, except World War II.”

The Libya debacle also destabilized the entire Sahel. Thus the region is feeling the expansion of terrorism to a degree unknown before Libya was bombed by America, France, and the United Kingdom. If the number of uprooted people included the convulsions of Libya, the figure would be over 50 million people. However, Kishida and other individuals in his administration who support his pro-America revisionist stance – along with his anti-Russia rhetoric – are intent on glossing over this despite the ongoing convulsions unleashed by America.
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs states that 387,000 civilians have been killed in America’s fight against terrorism. Kishida mocks these deaths concerning his “international law” narrative that is nothing more than the “humanitarian war doctrine” utilized by the leaders of America and the United Kingdom in recent times. Once more, the figure is over 400,000 dead if the Sahel region is counted concerning the regional convulsions triggered by the bombing of Libya.
During the Meiji Period (1868-1912), nationalism in Japan focused heavily on anti-China, anti-Korea, and anti-Russia rhetoric. Kishida – by glossing over the evil deeds of America and ignoring 400,000 civilian deaths since September 11 – is creating a revisionist space for Japanese nationalism that conveniently utilizes the containment policies of America aimed at China and the Russian Federation.
At the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit, Kishida’s pro-America revisionism – and ignoring Japan’s mountain of debt – is a message that is all about inviting non-Asian nations to the region.
Japan, and only Japan in all of Asia, seeks the security protection of America, Australia (European dominated society), France, and the United Kingdom – and is also opening channels with NATO.
Japan followed the Western and Ottoman legacies by seeking a similar empire at the expense of nations in Asia. Kishida now is seeking to expand militarism at home – by following the “humanitarian war doctrine” of America and the United Kingdom.
This bodes ill for Japan. After all, Japan is blighted by the highest ratio of debt in the world. Also, it bodes ill for the region because the “humanitarian war doctrine” leads to chaos, death, militarization, and regional divisions.
Kishida said, “I myself have a strong sense that Ukraine today may be the East Asia [of] tomorrow.”
Kishida said – and in the knowledge that America is the main guarantor of Japan’s safety – “At the same time, however, we must be prepared for the emergence of an entity that tramples on the peace and security of other countries by force or threat without honoring the rules.”

Yes, the “humanitarian war doctrine.” Also, someone should ask Kishida why he isn’t concerned about the 400,000 civilian deaths in the last two decades related to America’s so-called war on terror – that actually terrorized many nations and emboldened the spread of failed states and terrorism that is ongoing.
Kishida is a nationalist who utilizes the same rhetoric as recent leaders of America and the United Kingdom. Hence, he threatens the status quo of the region. Therefore, his pro-America revisionism and “humanitarian war doctrine” suits his Japanese nationalism.
At the same time, he will increase the debt burden on Japan.

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