Serbs in Northern Kosovo Need to Join Serbia
Chika Mori and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The rubber-stamping of the majority of European Union nations and G7 countries of taking Kosovo-Metohija from Serbia was bound to lead to endless tensions. Henceforth, both sides need to make compromises that guarantee the protection of ancient architecture and all historical holy places.
Naturally, nationalist forces within Albanian and Serbian nationalism will oppose compromises. However, compromises are essential. Accordingly, it isn’t good enough to ignore ancient Serbian Orthodox Christianity and the historical significance of Kosovo-Metohija.
The BBC reports, “The crisis dates back to April, when ethnic Serbs boycotted local elections in north Kosovo – allowing ethnic Albanians to take control of local councils with a turnout of less than 4%.”
President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia said (in May), “Serbia would work on preserving peace and stability while demanding urgent adoption and implementation of measures that would guarantee safety to Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija, which he said was the precondition for any further dialogue with representatives of the interim authorities in Pristina.”
Albanian and Serbian nationalists will oppose compromises. However, regional and international divisions on this issue – and the ethnic reality – entail a solution to Northern Kosovo is needed. Henceforth, Serbia re-incorporates this part of Kosovo in return for guarantees about the rest of Kosovo under Albanian rule.
All ancient holy places and architecture need protecting.

The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, “…it is very important that the situation between Serbia and Kosovo does not escalate further. We want a peaceful solution and we are very committed to that. Germany, France, and Italy are particularly active in this matter.”
Miloš Vučević – the Serbian Defense Minister – said, “We have sincere admiration for all the Serbs who stay and survive in Kosovo and Metohija all these years. It is life in impossible conditions. None of us can perceive what is happening and what kind of life it is.”
Serbia – ethnically and religiously – is more unified without the sizeable population of Albanians in Kosovo.
At the same time, Serbia should compromise about Greater Albania. Henceforth, a win-win for both sides – rather than the winner-takes-all approach that leads to endless animosity and regional tensions.

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