Synagogue attack kills 7 in Israel
Kanako Mita and Sawako Utsumi
Modern Tokyo Times

Jewish worshippers were killed when a Palestinian terrorist suddenly opened fire on people leaving the synagogue of Ateret Avraham in East Jerusalem. At least seven people were killed and three others were injured.
Police officers killed the terrorist during the ensuing panic.
This brutal terrorist attack happened in the district of Neve Yaakov.
Kobi Shabtai, the police commissioner of Israel, said it was “one of the worst attacks we have encountered in recent years.”
He continued, “The attacker shot everyone he encountered in his way. He launched on a killing spree with a pistol, and shot at close range anyone who happened to be in his way. At some point, he broke away, turning back to his vehicle. People who approached to see what happened were also shot at that point.”
Tom Nides, the US ambassador to Israel, said, “[This is] a horrific act of violence at a Jerusalem synagogue on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I am shocked and disgusted at this heinous terrorist attack on innocent people, including children.”
The BBC reports, “The attack was celebrated by Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with rallies and the handing out of sweets.”
Sadly, when people celebrate an attack against innocent worshippers – irrespective of whether the holy place is Buddhist, Christian Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and so forth – it sums up utter hatred.
On Thursday, Israeli security forces attacked militants in Jenin and killed nine people. However, two Palestinian civilians were also killed in this military raid.
Reuters reports, “Israeli commandos killed seven gunmen and two civilians in a raid on a flashpoint town in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, Palestinian officials said, stirring fear of further flare-ups after the largest single death toll in years of fighting.”
Lee Jay Walker says, “The Arabic-speaking world remains blighted by many problems. This includes conflict in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen – to Lebanon facing economic meltdown. Meanwhile, Coptic Christians and the armed forces of Egypt in the Sinai region are attacked by terrorists. ISIS (Islamic State -IS) continues to enslave the Yazidis – and the Shia face sectarian attacks. African Muslims continue to be killed by Arabs in Darfur along with other issues (Kurds are stateless despite their high population). Therefore, the never-ending crisis between Israel and various Palestinian groups is one of many regional issues that hinder the region.”
Tensions are likely to increase – with the loss of life on all sides.

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