Iran Tyranny Against the Lawyer of Murdered Mahsa Amini: Killing Women and Arrests
Murad Makhmudov, Noriko Watanabe, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

The wealthy clerical and political elites in Iran rule by fear and tyranny. Henceforth, not only did Iranian authorities kill Mahsa Amini, but they have now arrested the lawyer representing her family.
Saleh Nikbakht, the lawyer of the martyred Amini, was charged with “conducting propaganda against the regime.”
Voice of America reports, “Saleh Nikbakht was charged after the Ministry of Intelligence filed a complaint against him when he discussed Amini’s case in interviews with media outlets.”
The BBC – reporting on the death of Amini (2022) – said, “She was visiting the capital Tehran with her family when she was arrested by the morality police, who accused her of violating the law requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab and their arms and legs with loose clothing. She collapsed after being taken to a detention center to be “educated.”
Accordingly, the Iranian Revolution of 1979 is devouring its youth for seeking minor freedoms. Henceforth, the Islamist morality police and clerical elites think little about killing young females.
Instead, the tyrannical theocratic state seeks complete power concentration. Hence, the tyrannical state apparatus of Iran killed Mahsa Amini (22), Sarina Esmailzadeh (16), Hadis Najafi (22), Nika Shakarami (16), and many others for how they dressed – and because they held notions of freedom, liberty, and hope.
The sister of Ayatollah Khamenei – a tyrannical cleric – also condemned the authoritarian regime.
Badri Hosseini Khamenei said, “I think it is appropriate now to declare that I oppose my brother’s actions and I express my sympathy with all mothers mourning the crimes of the Islamic Republic, from the time of Khomeini to the current era of the despotic caliphate of Ali Khamenei.”
She continued, “Ali Khamenei’s Revolutionary Guards and mercenaries should lay down their weapons as soon as possible and join the people before it is too late.”
The only certainty in Iran is that innocent blood will continue to flow because the state apparatus only knows how to rule by fear.
Sunni cleric Molavi Abdolhamid (Molavi Abdul Hamid) – a religious leader who connects with the people of Sistan and Baluchestan and further afield – uttered his support for the protesters and others who oppose mass repression in Iran.
Abdolhamid said: “With munitions and militarism, no one can save the establishment.”
The revered cleric continued: “Release the young men and women [arrested in demonstrations], do not accuse them of moharebeh… Even if they are moharebeh, do not sentence them to the death penalty.”
Iran faces generational differences, ethnic tensions, political discontent, the call for female freedom, and other forces that will continue to challenge the oppressive state apparatus.
Clerical and political elites will respond by death, intimidation, torture, and manipulating society. However, the freedom-loving Mahsa, Sarina, Hadis, Nika, and others – who were brutally murdered by the state apparatus – are the martyrs of Iran who will continue to inspire until the death knell of the regime finally arrives.

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