Japan Art and the Buddha
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

All three art pieces focus on the Buddha. In Japan, despite the secular nature of society, the clock of Buddhism ticks to the past, now, and future. Hence, from the rich Buddhist temples that dot the landscape – to Buddhist angles in anime.
The above art piece is by Unichi Hiratsuka (Un’ichi). He was born in 1895 and died in the late 1990s. Hiratsuka is connected strongly with the sōsaku hanga (creative prints) print movement. Indeed, Hiratsuka is endearingly called the “grand old man” of sōsaku hanga.

The above art is by Tomikichiro Tokuriki (1902-1999). He was born in the cultural city of Kyoto. Accordingly, he understood the richness of Buddhism in Koyasan, Kyoto, Nara, Negoro-Ji, and other esteemed places in this part of Japan.
The British Museum says, “Tokuriki was born in Kyoto, where he has always worked. The last of a long line of traditional-style painters, he turned early to woodblock prints and became a leader of the Kyoto ‘Sosaku Hanga’…”

The final art piece is by Sawako Utsumi. She is a contemporary artist who is inspired by aspects of Buddhism, Christianity, and Shintoism.
Utsumi focuses on a distant Buddhist temple. Accordingly, the vastness of nature and the Buddhist temple appear as one – in this delightful winter setting.
Hōnen – the revered Buddhist Monk (1133-1212) – wrote:
Though the moon shines all over the world
Leaving no corner in darkness,
Only those who gaze upon the moon
Appreciated its serene light.
http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sawako-utsumi.html – Sawako Utsumi and where you can buy her art, postcards, bags, and other products. Also, individuals can contact her for individual requests.

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