US and Iran Murky Ties: Iraq and Syria need America and Iran to go Home
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Various forces have destabilized the nations of Iraq and Syria over a long period. Hence, irrespective of what side people support, the nations of America, Iran, Israel, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and others have involved themselves in the internal affairs of Iraq and Syria to different geopolitical degrees.
In Syria, the nations of America, Iran, Qatar, and Turkey are contributing to supporting the divisions of this nation. Ironically, despite the geopolitical angle of the Russian Federation, this nation was invited to support the government of Syria against various Sunni Islamic terrorist and sectarian forces. Therefore, unlike Iran, whose focus is expanding its influence to the detriment of Israel, the Russian Federation seeks to keep Syria out of Iranian intrigues.
President Joe Biden of America said about Qatar, “Qatar is a good friend and a reliable partner.”
AP News reports, “But Qatar, which was one of the strongest international backers of the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar Assad, has long faced criticism from some U.S. officials for allowing or encouraging funding of extremists groups in Syria, as well as for its direct and indirect support of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.”
Qatar and NATO Turkey (a country that is illegally occupying North Cyprus and parts of North Syria) worked together and channeled money, military arms, and Islamic terrorists – with the alleged Qatar National Bank (and other ratlines) conduit – to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Nusra (al-Qaeda branch) to destabilize Syria.
Syria – like Iraq – irrespective of people opposing the Assad government – is undermined by friend and foe alike. After all, Iran and Turkey support opposing sides in the ongoing conflict – similar to the Russian Federation opposing the intrigues of Turkey in Syria. However, Iran, Turkey, and the Russian Federation have cordial relations – while Syrians are killed by all sides supported by these three nations in the conflict.
In other words, irrespective of friend or foe in Syria, external forces have vested interests that threaten the unity of Syria. Iran is notably focused on expanding its tentacles aimed at Israel. On the other hand, Turkey seeks to crush the Kurds in Northern Syria and to expand the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in areas outside of Syrian government control.

Modern Tokyo Times recently said, “The relationship between America and Iran isn’t what it appears concerning geopolitics. Hence, sanctions by America on Iran to chants of “death to America” in Iran are realities on the surface, that hurt ordinary Iranian citizens who seek to make a living. However, the geopolitical relationship is very different – even if this is facing a breakdown because of Iran’s growing proxies in several nations.”
Hence, even under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iran-Contra affair emerged. Similarly, during the Bosnian crisis, America allowed Iran to break the military arms embargo. Therefore, the roles of America and Iran boosted Bosnian Muslim forces and Islamist terrorist groups on the ground against the Bosnian Serbs (Orthodox Christian).
Equally, after the terrorist attack on September 11 (2001) which led to America invading Afghanistan to oust the Taliban, the government of Iran assisted the political elites in Washington by notifying the Northern Alliance (supported by Iran, India, and the Russian Federation) to help America on the ground.
Iran – during the America-led invasion of Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein – also provided a wealth of information to America based on the legacy of the brutal Iran-Iraq War. Accordingly, the Sunni dominance of Iraq ended – with the outcome being that Iraq was handed on a Shia plate, to the delight of Iran.
Indeed, America was implicated in training Shia death squads that killed countless Sunni Muslims in reprisals based on sectarian hatred. This led to many innocent Sunni Muslims also being killed.
ISIS (IS – Islamic State) emerged on the changing sands in Iraq, while Iran began to spread its tentacles over society and within the power structures of this nation. For the embattled Christians, Mandeans, Shabaks, and Yazidis – they were “innocent lambs” to the slaughter of Islamists once Iraq became a failed sovereign nation.
It is also noticeable that during the Barack Obama administration, the political elites in Washington – and the compliant press who support the Democrats – treated the mass protests in Iran and Egypt differently. Hence, Hosni Mubarak, the leader of Egypt, was thrown under the American bus despite being loyal to America.
Yet, the Obama administration and media were timid in response to mass protests in Iran.
After the recent three deaths of the armed forces of America, Biden notified the general public that America would respond to the provocations of Iranian-backed forces.
Modern Tokyo Times said – before the retaliation to the deaths of American soldiers – “The administration of President Joe Biden will loathe to entangle itself with Iran concerning past murky dealings between both nations. Accordingly, while the deaths of three American soldiers are bound to witness military strikes, America and Iran will seek to tip-toe around the growing entanglements concerning the various proxies of Iran.”
This naturally happened because the response by America was mild and didn’t target Iran. Hence, providing Iran doesn’t become over-confident by the weakness showed by America, the situation can be contained. Therefore, America launched military strikes against Shia-militia forces in Iraq and Syria.
Iraq condemned the military strikes by America that killed 18 people – just like Iraq recently condemned military strikes by Iran inside Iraq against Kurds in the north.
Iraq condemned the “new aggression against” the sovereignty of the nation-state.
The government of Iraq said, “This aggressive strike will put security in Iraq and the region on the brink of the abyss.”
The Syrian Foreign Minister (Faisal al-Miqdad) said the attacks by America “will seriously increase tensions in the region.”
Indeed, the Syrian Defense Ministry went further by saying America “attacked Syrian government forces which are fighting the Islamic State terrorist group.” Implying that America is seeking to help the Islamic State (ISIS) to “regroup.”
Voice of America reports, “The Iraqi parliament convened an urgent session to discuss the “repercussions of the U.S. strikes,” and the “presence of foreign forces on Iraqi soil.”
Overall, Iraq needs America and Iran to stop abusing the sovereignty of this nation. Similarly, Syria needs America, Iran, Qatar, and Turkey to end all ratlines and for America and Turkey to pull out their armed forces.
Somehow, opposition forces in Syria – outside of Islamic terrorist forces – and the government of Assad need to work together to galvanize the nation-state. At the moment, the state-within-a-state (Islamist and areas under the control of Turkey in Syria) is merely leading to death, poverty, and the division of this country. Therefore, political compromises are needed to end the cycle of war and despair.
Sadly, the above can’t happen when external nations are violating the sovereignty of Syria.
Iraq and Syria need America and Iran (and others, notably Turkey in Syria) to go home. If they want to play a constructive role in ending the internal conflicts and provide economic assistance – Iraq and Syria would welcome this. However, the opposite is happening.
The status quo of America and Iran intrigues is a road to nowhere.

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi and her website – Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News