Gulf Powers, Iran, and Turkey Continue to Destabilize Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen (Islamic Facade)

Gulf Powers, Iran, and Turkey Continue to Destabilize Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen (Islamic Facade)

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The centralized nations of Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen have been torn to pieces. Irrespective of the failure of America and its partners concerning events in Iraq and Libya, the nations of Egypt, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and others have collectively funded various nations and proxies in endless wars (low intensity to high-level conflicts).

On top of this, Iran utilizes Hezbollah in Lebanon aimed at Israel – and Islamic terrorist groups kill the Shia in the name of sectarianism (while also persecuting non-Muslim religious minorities). Accordingly, the Islamic facade aimed at Israel is a convenient tool to brush under the carpet of ongoing intrigues in Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

The Kurds (the biggest stateless ethnic group in the region) are overwhelmingly Muslim. However, forces in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria seek to divide and rule the Kurds by stealth. Therefore, independent Kurdish forces and signs of ethnic political demands are crushed in NATO Turkey to Iran.

Muslim religious sects, including the Alawites in Syria, face internal and external intrigues by Sunni Islamic forces. Hence, Alwaties were even put in cages in parts of northern Syria by Sunni Takfiris and many were butchered. Accordingly, the Sunni Islamist mantra of “Alawis to the grave, Christians to Beirut (Lebanon)!” wasn’t an empty threat – it became a reality when Sunni Muslim-dominated nations (from Turkey to Qatar) funded Sunni Islamic terrorist forces in Syria.

In Yemen, Iran and the Saudi Arabia-led alliance (Egypt, UAE, and others) entailed a major sectarian and geopolitical war. Untold numbers have been killed – similar to regional divisions in the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

UN News reports, “The crisis in Yemen, which worsened in 2014 after Houthi rebels (known officially as Ansar Allah) seized the capital, has been marked by complex political and military tensions. More than 18 million people – half the country’s population – remain dependent on humanitarian assistance and protection.”

Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs (UN), says, “By the end of 2024, more than 600,000 children in Government of Yemen-controlled areas are estimated to be acutely malnourished, and around 118,000 are projected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition – a 34 percent increase since 2023.”

For non-Arab religious (Yazidis) or ethnic groups (black African Masalits in Darfur) the Arabic-Muslim speaking world is equally alarming.

In Iraq, ISIS (Islamic State – IS) still holds Yazidi slaves (slavery was banned in the land of Mecca in the 1960s). At the height of ISIS power, Sunni Islamists butchered hundreds of Shia Muslims in several individual massacres, put Alawites in cages (Syria), cleansed Christians, and destroyed non-Sunni holy places.

The BBC reports, “When IS (ISIS) stormed into their ancestral heartland in northern Iraq, the Yazidis fled to Mount Sinjar. Many were killed and some 7,000 women and girls were seized and enslaved. Many of them were raped.”

The persecution of the Yazidis is sadly a way of life in this part of West Asia because countless pogroms have taken place throughout history. In recent times, however, the situation is alarmingly barbaric because ISIS seeks to erase this faith from the face of the earth. This is based on slavery, massacres, and the forced conversions of minors.

Reuters reports (2014), “Mohammed Shia al-Sudani (Prime Minister of Iraq in 2022 and incumbent) said the Sunni militants had also buried alive some of their victims, including women and children. Some 300 women were kidnapped as slaves, he added... We have striking evidence obtained from Yazidis fleeing Sinjar and some who escaped death, and also crime scene images that show indisputably that the gangs of the Islamic States have executed at least 500 Yazidis after seizing Sinjar…”

In Darfur, black African ethnic groups, including the Masalits, continue to suffer enormous persecution at the hands of Arab Muslims in Sudan.

Human Rights Watch reports, “Attacks by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied militias in El Geneina, the capital city of Sudan’s West Darfur state, from April to November 2023, killed at least thousands of people and left hundreds of thousands as refugees, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The crimes against humanity and widespread war crimes were committed in the context of an ethnic cleansing campaign against the ethnic Massalit and other non-Arab populations in and around El Geneina.”

Josep Borrell (the European Union’s chief diplomat) said, “These latest atrocities are seemingly part of a wide ethnic-cleansing campaign conducted by the RSF with the aim to eradicate the non-Arab Masalit community from West Darfur.”

The Guardian reports, “The violence in El Geneina and Ardamata has drawn parallels with the genocide of the mid-2000s, when Kalashnikov-wielding Arab militias called the Janjaweed crushed a rebellion by African groups in Darfur, killing an estimated 300,000. The RSF emerged out of the Janjaweed.”

The Islamic facade aimed at Israel (irrespective of people being pro-Israel or anti-Israel) is convenient for regional nations (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others) and Islamists who utilize gullible students in America to the United Kingdom.

After all, where are the mass protests and denouncements of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (and others), and an array of Islamic terrorist groups concerning ongoing events in Darfur to the continuing enslavement of the Yazidis by ISIS – or the plight of children facing malnutrition in Yemen (all sides find it easy to buy military weapons to kill fellow Muslims) to the Kurdish question and so forth?

Iran (notably) and others utilize terrorist forces aimed at Israel.

The current crisis in Gaza and southern Lebanon – similar to Arab Sunni Muslims killing the Alawites, enslaving the Yazidis, and butchering African Masalits in Darfur – began when Sunni Muslim Hamas and other Palestinian forces killed approximately 1,200 Jews in a short period.

This brutal pogrom against Jews then witnessed Hamas hiding among ordinary Palestinian civilians – and holding hostages.

Amnesia and the oldest hatred fuse naturally!“By%20the%20end%20of%202024,we%20are%20to%20prevent%20catastrophe.”

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi and her website – Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News