Balochistan Liberation Army Kills Many at a Train Station in Pakistan
Noriko Watanabe and Sawako Utsumi
Modern Tokyo Times

The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing attack at a train station in Quetta. This insurgent group seeks to be free from Pakistan’s rule. Also, the BLA is alarmed by the hand of China in its role of exploiting the natural resources of Balochistan.
The suicide bomber is known to have killed at least 26 people – of which roughly 50% belonged to the armed forces of Pakistan.
It is feared that the death toll will increase. Accordingly, approximately ten people are in critical condition.
The BBC reports, “Senior police official Muhammad Baloch said the explosion was thought to have been caused by a suicide bomber carrying 6-8kg of explosives. Among the dead and injured were both civilian and military, he told the BBC.”
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif – angered by the latest terrorist attack – said the armed forces will defeat “the menace of terrorism.”
AP News reports, “The attack happened when nearly 100 passengers were waiting for a train to travel to the garrison city of Rawalpindi from Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province, according to Hamza Shafqaat, a senior government administrator.”
The BLA desires to control their respective resources of copper, gold, iron ore, oil, and other natural resources. Hence, insurgents in Balochistan want to end Pakistan and China exploiting the resources of this resource-rich region.
Voice of America reports, “An insurgent group, the Baloch Liberation Army, took responsibility for the deadly attack, claiming a member of its suicide bombers squad targeted Pakistani military personnel.”
Sardar Ayaz Sadiq (Speaker of Pakistan’s National Assembly) said those responsible are the “enemies of humanity.”
The BLA killed two people outside Karachi Airport last month – the attack was aimed at Chinese nationals.
Lee Jay Walker (Modern Tokyo Times analyst) says, “China, Iran, and Pakistan exploit the geopolitical and economic angle of the Baloch people. Accordingly, the BLA and other insurgent groups seek to rule their destiny – rather than having their resources and lands exploited by others.”

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