Kishida meets Erdogan (occupies North Cyprus and North Syria): Armenia to West Papua
Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Japan’s human rights angle under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida concerns the Meiji Period legacy of going to war with regional nations in Northeast Asia. Hence, it is nationalist to the core and mainly consists of anti-China and anti-Russia rhetoric that also suits America and the United Kingdom.
Nobody in the Japanese Foreign Ministry pointed out that rebuking the Russian Federation but meeting the leader of Turkey smacks of gross naivety at best – or outright Russophobia at worst. After all, Turkey occupies North Cyprus and parts of Northern Syria. Not only this, Turkey openly supports Azerbaijan (an army that openly puts videos of its crimes – or fellow proxies sent by Turkey – of mutilating female dead Armenian soldiers to beheading Armenian Christians).
Turkey also bombs Kurds and the Yazidis in Northern Iraq and violates the national sovereignty of this nation – similar to North Cyprus and Northern Syria. Also, under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – vast numbers of Kurds, secularists, and anyone deemed a threat to Erdoğan will face prison.
NHK reports, “The prime minister started by saying that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shaken the foundation of world order, which the UN has worked to build since its establishment. He called the invasion an act that tramples on the philosophy and principles of the UN Charter.”
Yet Kishida is then seen openly smiling with Erdoğan – similar to Kishida embracing the leader of Indonesia that crushes the Papuans of West Papua. Hence, from countless wars and internal intrigues by America, France, and the United Kingdom that killed untold millions since the forming of the United Nations – not once did this bother Japan. Therefore, Kishida freely mixes with the leaders of nations – and praises them – despite Indonesia and Turkey occupying vast lands and persecuting the various indigenous groups.
Turkish occupation and settlements immediately erased Orthodox Christianity in North Cyprus. Many decades later and forces that are anti-Christian, anti-Kurdish, and anti-secular – are once more being backed by Turkey. Therefore, Islamist proxies are utilized by Turkey to kill Alawites and Kurds – and to kill Armenian Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh on the behest of Azerbaijan.
France 24 reported (2020), “… intelligence reports had established that 300 Syrian fighters drawn from “jihadist groups” from the Syrian city of Aleppo had passed through the Turkish city of Gaziantep en route for Azerbaijan.”
President Emmanuel Macron of France said, “A red line has been crossed, which is unacceptable… I urge all NATO partners to face up to the behavior of a NATO member.”
Modern Tokyo Times recently said, “Soldiers from Azerbaijan, a close ally of NATO Turkey, took a video of a mutilated Armenian female soldier. This follows beheadings by Azerbaijan forces of Armenians in the last conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh (mainly Armenian populated region).”
Japan’s human rights concerns are cynical under Kishida. Therefore, Indonesia can kill West Papuans, Turkey can kill Kurds along with occupying North Cyprus and North Syria, Bangladesh can crush the mainly Buddhists of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and America and the United Kingdom can involve themselves in countless wars without a jot of open condemnation or economic sanctions by Japan.

Modern Tokyo Times recently said, “… while children are being killed by extrajudicial killings in West Papua by the Indonesian government, it is boom time for the military sectors of America and France. Likewise, companies in Japan will continue to make vast profits from Indonesia. Therefore, the human rights angle of Kishida means little to the people of West Papua.”
UN News reports, “Between April and November 2021, we have received allegations indicating several instances of extrajudicial killings, including of young children, enforced disappearance, torture and inhuman treatment and the forced displacement of at least 5,000 indigenous Papuans by security forces.”
Benny Wenda, the Interim President of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), said, “Indonesia tells the world they are developing West Papua, but this is a lie. It is not development but destruction. Destruction of our mountain, our forest, our tribal culture. Military operations continue in Intan Jaya because Indonesia is building a gold mine there, Wabu Block. They are building the trans-Papua highway through our rainforest because they want to take our natural resources. Instead of this environmental destruction, the world must support our Green State Vision, which offers a future for all of humanity.”
Turning back to Turkey: Yazidis are caught up in the intrigues of this NATO power and have also been killed in recent military attacks in Northern Iraq. Associated Foreign Press reports, “The heartland of Iraq’s Yazidi minority, Sinjar is frequently targeted by Turkish airstrikes against bases of Turkey’s separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).”
A Yazidi activist continued, “The international community also has a moral responsibility towards Yazidis and the people of Sinjar. It is both painful and illogical that these attacks go [unaddressed] as if they are legitimate. It seems Turkey can get away with anything.”
Even women in Turkey who denounce the murder of women have been attacked by security forces in this nation. The Investigative Project on Terrorism reports, “…when Turkish women sought to celebrate International Women’s Day earlier this month to honor all the victims of femicide – most often perpetrated by relatives, partners or ex-partners – riot police in Istanbul blocked their way, firing pepper spray and setting off flares among the crowds.”
Hence, the logic of Kishida – a nationalist who is anti-Russia to the core – highlights the usually limited dynamics of human rights in Japan. It is aimed at China and the Russian Federation concerning internal Japanese nationalism – and negates other parts of the world.
Similarly, Kishida cares zilch about West Papua. Thus the endless persecution of West Papuans by Indonesia goes on with the rubber stamp of Japan and other G7 nations. Hence, Japan’s international law never applied to America dropping Agent Orange and starting endless wars (even lying about weapons of mass destruction to invade Iraq).
International law to Kishida is a cynical anti-Russia and anti-China card to be manipulated. Therefore, the real Kishida openly meets the leaders of Indonesia and Turkey – and others – and says nothing about the own going occupations of West Papua, North Cyprus, and Northern Syria.

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