Turkey and Crushing Free Speech based on Fear: Megalomania of President Erdogan

Turkey and Crushing Free Speech based on Fear: Megalomania of President Erdogan Nuray Lydia Oglu, Sawako…

The Maldives: Losing a Tourist Paradise to Terrorism

The Maldives: Losing a Tourist Paradise to Terrorism Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 14 Issue: 2 By:…

France to Support Tunisia during Trying Times: Instability and Terrorism

France to Support Tunisia during Trying Times: Instability and Terrorism Nawal Soueif, Noriko Watanabe and Lee…

Indonesia: Inter Faith Rally Denounces Terrorism in Jakarta

Indonesia: Inter Faith Rally Denounces Terrorism in Jakarta Amina Qamar, Takeshi Hasegawa and Lee Jay Walker…

Sunni Islamists Kill Many in Burkina Faso: Takfiri Jihad, Terrorism and Sectarianism

Sunni Islamists Kill Many in Burkina Faso: Takfiri Jihad, Terrorism and Sectarianism Omar Abdullah Ismail, Noriko…

Saudi Arabia is Pulverizing Yemen: Feudal Islamist Monarchy, Sectarianism and Western Powers

Saudi Arabia is Pulverizing Yemen: Feudal Islamist Monarchy, Sectarianism and Western Powers Salma Zribi, Michiyo Tanabe…

Al-Shabaab Recruitment from Kenyan Universities Alarms Officials

Al-Shabaab Recruitment from Kenyan Universities Alarms Officials Publication: Terrorism Monitor By: Sunguta West The Jamestown Foundation…

Lake Chad Basin and Islamist Threat against Christians and Muslims: Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria

Lake Chad Basin and Islamist Threat against Christians and Muslims: Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria Paul…

Islamic State Barbarians Holding over 3,000 Yazidis: Syria is on the Frontline against ISIS

Islamic State Barbarians Holding over 3,000 Yazidis: Syria is on the Frontline against ISIS Murad Makhmudov,…

Militant Islamists, Organized Crime and the Balkan Diaspora in Europe

Militant Islamists, Organized Crime and the Balkan Diaspora in Europe Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 13 Issue:…

Libya: NYT, Sputnik Agree with Hoekstra’s ‘Architects of Disaster’

NYT, Sputnik Agree with Hoekstra’s ‘Architects of Disaster’ by Pete Hoekstra IPT News Investigative Project on…

Chad Rocked by Triple Sunni Islamist Suicide Attack by Boko Haram

Chad Rocked by Triple Sunni Islamist Suicide Attack by Boko Haram Jibril Khoury, Noriko Watanabe and…

Mali: Radisson Blu Hotel Attack Meant to Thwart Peace Accord

Mali: Radisson Blu Hotel Attack Meant to Thwart Peace Accord by Amb. John Price Special to…

Shia Persecution at the hands of Takfiri Islamists and State Institutions: Shia Pilgrims in Iraq

Shia Persecution at the hands of Takfiri Islamists and State Institutions: Shia Pilgrims in Iraq Murad…

Belgian Breeding Ground Fuels New Terror Wave

Belgian Breeding Ground Fuels New Terror Wave by Abigail R. Esman Special to IPT News Investigative…

Turkey and Accomplices of Terrorism: Turkey Downs Russian Federation Su-24 Fighter Jet

Turkey and Accomplices of Terrorism: Turkey Downs Russian Federation Su-24 Fighter Jet Nuray Lydia Oglu, Noriko…

Kuwait Arrests Members of ISIS Cell: Action Taken after Massacre of Shia Muslims

Kuwait Arrests Members of ISIS Cell: Action Taken after Massacre of Shia Muslims Murad Makhmudov, Takeshi…

ISIS Kill Older Yazidi Women while Enslaving Younger Yazidis: Alawite and Christian Persecution

ISIS Kill Older Yazidi Women while Enslaving Younger Yazidis: Alawite and Christian Persecution Ramazan Khalidov, Noriko…

Islamists Slaughter at least 120 people in Paris: France on the Wrong Side of History in Libya and Syria

Islamists Slaughter at least 120 people in Paris: France on the Wrong Side of History in…

Assassinations of Rebel-Connected Chechens Continue in Turkey

Assassinations of Rebel-Connected Chechens Continue in Turkey Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By: Mairbek Vatchagaev The Jamestown…

Russian Federation, Syria and Centralization: Gulf and NATO States must Refrain from Interference

Russian Federation, Syria and Centralization: Gulf and NATO States must Refrain from Interference Murad Makhmudov, Toshiyo…

ISIS Rapes Women Toward Allah

ISIS Rapes Women Toward Allah by Abigail R. Esman Special to IPT News Investigative Project on…

US to send 300 Troops to Boost Cameroon in Fight against Boko Haram: Chad and Nigeria

US to send 300 Troops to Boost Cameroon in Fight against Boko Haram: Chad and Nigeria…

Turkey Suffering because of Internal and External Policies of Erdogan and Davutoglu: Kurds and Socialists

Turkey Suffering because of Internal and External Policies of Erdogan and Davutoglu: Kurds and Socialists Nuray…

Saudi Arabia Threatens to Supply Surface-To-Air-Missiles to Terrorists in Syria: Russia Should Play Checkmate

Saudi Arabia Threatens to Supply Surface-To-Air-Missiles to Terrorists in Syria: Russia Should Play Checkmate Murad Makhmudov,…

Snowden says GCHQ in the UK can Obtain Total Control Over Smartphones: UK and Terrorist Ratlines

Snowden says GCHQ in the UK can Obtain Total Control Over Smartphones: UK and Terrorist Ratlines…

Impact of US Autistic Foreign Policies on the Balkans: Part III Kosovo and Plight of the Serbs

Impact of US Autistic Foreign Policies on the Balkans: Part III Kosovo and Plight of the…

Russia, Syria, US, Gulf States and Migrant Crisis: Former Yugoslavia to Syria

Russia, Syria, US, Gulf States and Migrant Crisis: Former Yugoslavia to Syria Murad Makhmudov, Michiyo Tanabe…

Hezbollah and the Shia and Sunni Sectarian Issue: Nasrallah and the Bigger Picture

Hezbollah and the Shia and Sunni Sectarian Issue: Nasrallah and the Bigger Picture Murad Makhmudov and…

The Islamic State’s Uneven Trajectory in Libya

The Islamic State’s Uneven Trajectory in Libya Publication: Terrorism Monitor Volume: 13 Issue: 19 By: Nathaniel…

The Finnish Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria and Iraq

The Finnish Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria and Iraq Publication: Terrorism Monitor By: Juha Saarinen The…

Shia Houthis in Yemen Abandoned by Iran and the International Community: Feudal Sunni Monarchies

Shia Houthis in Yemen Abandoned by Iran and the International Community: Feudal Sunni Monarchies Salma Zribi,…

Indonesia’s New Counter-Terrorism Challenges

Indonesia’s New Counter-Terrorism Challenges Publication: Terrorism Monitor By: Andrew Zammit, Muhammad Iqbal The Jamestown Foundation Following…

Islamist Boko Haram Kill 30 in Cameroon Twin Attack: Nigeria and Chad

Islamist Boko Haram Kill 30 in Cameroon Twin Attack: Nigeria and Chad Boutros Hussein, Noriko Watanabe…

ISIS and the Sham of Gulf and NATO Powers: Hezbollah, Iraq and Syria

ISIS and the Sham of Gulf and NATO Powers: Hezbollah, Iraq and Syria Murad Makhmudov and…