Philippines and Communist insurgents: Will Marcos Jr crush (US, UK, and Japan)
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr of the Philippines is carrying the internationally known name of his father. Hence, Communist insurgents – and political activists – expect increasing attacks by the government of Marcos Jr.
Insurgencies – communist to Islamist – exist in parts of the Philippines. Often, ethnicity and regional forces are part of the discontent that exists because of discrimination by central forces in Manila. Therefore, historically, left-wing and Islamist forces were fusions locally that spoke to people who were alienated outside the economic, political, social, and religious dynamics of the Philippines.
The Guardian (Nicole Curato) reports, “Already, the national taskforce founded to counter “communist insurgency” called out Adarna House for “radicalising” young children. Before the election, independent bookstores that carried literature critical of the dictatorship were vandalised with anti-communist graffiti. One of Marcos Jr’s first cabinet appointments has been to put his running mate, Sara Duterte, at the department of education. Duterte is the daughter of the incumbent president, Rodrigo Duterte, whose brutal drug war prompted the international criminal court to approve an investigation into crimes against humanity – this was paused last year at the request of the government. Rodrigo Duterte’s spokesperson has said that any deaths were due to a “legitimate police exercise”. Educators wonder what kind of human rights education will be conveyed to young Filipinos in the years ahead.”
The new Marcos Jr government is likely to seek the further dwindling of Communist forces. After all, his father was a noted anti-Communist. However, for the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), it is also an opportunity to spread propaganda and attract new members – given the legacy of Marcos Sr.
The Jamestown Foundation (Luca Webber) says, “The election of Marcos Jr. was a highly galvanizing event, given how his father’s policies, and particularly his declaration of martial law in the early 1970s, helped fuel the early stage of the armed Communist rebellion in the Philippines (Twitter/@NDFevisayas, April 24, 2019). To the CPP, the Marcos family represents a political dynasty that is hostile to the interests of the Philippine people. Further, it is considered to be a powerful force backing imperialism and an anti-democratic system of governance (Militant Wire, August 16).”
Ang Bayan, the CPP newspaper, before Marcos Jr came to power, asserted, “Democracy – and freedom-loving people are called upon to unite and take to the streets to manifest their determination to stop the return of the Marcoses to power and prevent the extension of Duterte’s reign.”

With Duterte’s daughter Sara being given a Cabinet position, then it doesn’t bode well for the Philippines concerning family connections coming to the fore. Hence, ample opportunities for communists and Islamists – and others – to rebuke “sham democratic family wealthy elites” who are intent on dominating power.
America and the United Kingdom supported the massacre of millions of people in Indonesia who were Communists or lefties in history. Japan was involved in various angles concerning anti-Communist forces in Indonesia and the Philippines. Therefore, despite all the wealth stolen by Marcos Sr and his cronies – along with the internal brutality he installed: the nations of America, Japan, and the United Kingdom all covered up countless misdeeds.
America utilized Okinawa (Ryukyu) in Japan – and the Philippines (refuel in Cebu) – to kill the Vietnamese in vast numbers during the Vietnam War. Also, America utilized Agent Orange on Vietnam and the border areas of Cambodia and Laos despite not being at war with either nation.
In the middle of the 1980s, Japan was beset by Official Development Assistance (ODA) scandals with Marcos Sr. Corruption was endemic between the Marcos Sr regime and Japanese ODA support that was utilized economically and against the enemies of Marcos Sr.
The Guardian (Nick Davies) reports, “Just as Marcos’s wealth was too great to seize, so his political influence was too big to beat. Two weeks after the revolution, a source in New York had shown the PCGG a report revealing that, even before he was deposed, his allies in US intelligence were aware that he had stolen up to $10bn. But the CIA refused to disclose what they knew. The Japanese government made it clear to Aquino that they were not going to hand over information, and aid packages could be in jeopardy if the PCGG pushed too hard. In the UK, Margaret Thatcher’s government said it was “not our business.”
Communist insurgents (New People’s Army) recently killed two Philippine soldiers. This happened in the town of Malibcong in the province of Abra.
In another clash, Benar News reports, “The army’s 94th Infantry Battalion said in a report that Nanta, more popularly known as Juanito Magbanua, was killed Monday when troops clashed with 10 rebels he led in Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental province. The encounter was the fifth between soldiers and Nanta’s group since Oct. 6.”
It remains to be seen if Marcos Jr will crush the remaining Communist insurgents, who have dwindled in numbers. Or if Marcos Jr will enable Communist and Muslim insurgents to reinvigorate themselves.
This concerns the legacy of Marcos Jr’s father, installing the daughter of Duterte into the Cabinet, political cronyism, and the endless cycle of absolute poverty – along with the alienation of certain communities, notably Muslims in the Mindanao region.

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