Japanese Art and the One Legged Umbrella Ghost: Mischievous Spirit of Kasa-Obake

Japanese Art and the One Legged Umbrella Ghost: Mischievous Spirit of Kasa-Obake Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Art of Japan and the Intriguing and Mysterious World of Ukiyo-e

Art of Japan and the Intriguing and Mysterious World of Ukiyo-e Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Japan and Vietnam Strengthen Relations: China and South China Sea (East Sea)

Japan and Vietnam Strengthen Relations: China and South China Sea (East Sea) Amina Qamar, Takeshi Hasegawa…

Complex Nature of Buddhist Art in Japan: Rinzai school of Buddhism

Complex Nature of Buddhist Art in Japan: Rinzai school of Buddhism Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Yasui Sotaro and Art of Japan: The Impact of Paris

Yasui Sotaro and Art of Japan: The Impact of Paris Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times…

Japanese Art and Isoda Koryusai: Unique Background

Japanese Art and Isoda Koryusai: Unique Background Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Isoda Koryusai is…

Art of Japan During the Edo Period: Tani Buncho and Culture of China

Art of Japan During the Edo Period: Tani Buncho and Culture of China Lee Jay Walker…

Kamisaka Sekka and Art of Japan: Rimpa and Creativity of New Ideas

Kamisaka Sekka and Art of Japan: Rimpa and Creativity of New Ideas Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Japanese Nikkei 225 Nosedives on Economic Uncertainty from China

Japanese Nikkei 225 Nosedives on Economic Uncertainty from China Takeshi Hasegawa and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Art of Japan and Yoshitaki: Oni Demon, Namazu, and Japanese Culture

Art of Japan and Yoshitaki: Oni Demon, Namazu, and Japanese Culture Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

PM Abe and a New Confident Japan: Realistic Approach to Geopolitics

PM Abe and a New Confident Japan: Realistic Approach to Geopolitics Hiroshi Saito, Noriko Watanabe and…

Art of Japan and Bunjin Ideas in the Edo Period: Richness of China, Japan and Korea

Art of Japan and Bunjin Ideas in the Edo Period: Richness of China, Japan and Korea…

Remembering the Algeria Hostage Crisis and Deaths of Japanese Nationals: Time for Japan to Listen to Russia

Remembering the Algeria Hostage Crisis and Deaths of Japanese Nationals: Time for Japan to Listen to…

Russian Federation is Far From Isolated: Hosting of BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Russian Federation is Far From Isolated: Hosting of BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Galina Zobovo, Michiyo…

Meiji Art in Japan (1868-1912) and its Rich Legacy

Meiji Art in Japan (1868-1912) and its Rich Legacy Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The…

China and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Japan Outfoxing Itself to Appease America

China and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Japan Outfoxing Itself to Appease America Kanako Itamae, Shuchun Zhang…

Tourism in Japan: Amazing Toyama and Stunning Landscape of Kurobe Lake

Tourism in Japan: Amazing Toyama and Stunning Landscape of Kurobe Lake Hiroshi Saito and Tomoko Hara…

Ogawa Kazumasa and Japanese Photography (1860-1929): Mirage and Ghosts of the Past

Ogawa Kazumasa and Japanese Photography (1860-1929): Mirage and Ghosts of the Past Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Tokyo Tourism and Culture: Mountains and Spirituality

Tokyo Tourism and Culture: Mountains and Spirituality Olivier LeCourt and Hiroshi Saito Modern Tokyo Times Japanese…

Ogata Korin and Japanese Art: Fading Light to High Culture

Ogata Korin and Japanese Art: Fading Light to High Culture Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times…

Kamisaka Sekka and Japanese Art: Rimpa and Culture despite Rapid Historical Changes

Kamisaka Sekka and Japanese Art: Rimpa and Culture despite Rapid Historical Changes Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Art of Japan and Benkei the Warrior Monk of History and Folklore

Art of Japan and Benkei the Warrior Monk of History and Folklore Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Wakayama Tourism, Buddhism and Negoro-ji: Japanese History, Religion and Culture

Wakayama Tourism, Buddhism and Negoro-ji: Japanese History, Religion and Culture Tomoko Hara and Sarah Deschamps Modern…

Wakayama Tourism and Kukai: Koyasan, the Richness of Buddhism and Old Japan

Wakayama Tourism and Kukai: Koyasan, the Richness of Buddhism and Old Japan Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Geopolitics of Japan: A New Warrior Benkei Spirit is Needed to Move Closer to China and Russia

Geopolitics of Japan: A New Warrior Benkei Spirit is Needed to Move Closer to China and…

Is the BBC anti-Japan and marginalizing this nation?

Is the BBC anti-Japan and marginalizing this nation? Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Japan must consider Regional Bank with China like South Korea irrespective of US pressure

Japan must consider Regional Bank with China like South Korea irrespective of US pressure Kanako Itamae…

Utagawa Yoshitaki and Japan Art: Oni Demon and the Namazu (Giant Catfish) in Folklore

Utagawa Yoshitaki and Japan Art: Oni Demon and the Namazu (Giant Catfish) in Folklore Lee Jay…

Utagawa Kuniyoshi and Japanese Art: Natural Beauty in a Changing World

Utagawa Kuniyoshi and Japanese Art: Natural Beauty in a Changing WorldLee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times…

Ike No Taiga and Japan Art: Rich Legacy of China and Shattering the Myths of the Edo Period

Ike No Taiga and Japan Art: Rich Legacy of China and Shattering the Myths of the…

Utagawa Toyokuni and Japan Art: My pictures – they are merely something that I draw!

Utagawa Toyokuni and Japan Art: My pictures – they are merely something that I draw! Lee…

Heirinji Zen Temple in Saitama: Buddhism and Tourism on the Fringe of Tokyo

Heirinji Zen Temple in Saitama: Buddhism and Tourism on the Fringe of Tokyo Lee Jay Walker…

March 11 Earthquake and Tsunami: Fire brigade Heroes of Otsuchi and Fleeing Embassies

March 11 Earthquake and Tsunami: Fire brigade Heroes of Otsuchi and Fleeing Embassies Kanako Itamae and…

Former Leader of Japan visits Crimea: Japan and Russian Federation Relations

Former Leader of Japan visits Crimea: Japan and Russian Federation Relations Takeshi Hasegawa, Galina Zobova and…

Asai Chu and New Wave of Japanese Art

Asai Chu and New Wave of Japanese Art Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The Meiji…

U.S. Suggestion For Japanese Patrols in South China Sea Prompts ADIZ Threat

U.S. Suggestion For Japanese Patrols in South China Sea Prompts ADIZ Threat Publication: China Brief By:…