US, Feudal Alliance and Syria: Sponsors of ISIS and no Religious Freedom in Saudi Arabia

US, Feudal Alliance and Syria: Sponsors of ISIS and no Religious Freedom in Saudi Arabia Murad…

Russia Should Send Covert Operatives to Syria: Chechen, Caucasus Angle and Iran

Russia Should Send Covert Operatives to Syria: Chechen, Caucasus Angle and Iran Murad Mahkmudov and Lee…

Syrian Brotherhood Stands Nearer to ISIS Than to U.S.

Syrian Brotherhood Stands Nearer to ISIS Than to U.S. by Ravi Kumar IPT News Investigative Project…

Obama and the Syria Agenda: US to Utilize Covert Allies of ISIS via Draconian Saudi Arabia

Obama and the Syria Agenda: US to Utilize Covert Allies of ISIS via Draconian Saudi Arabia…

Siege of Mecca, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria: US and Gulf Destabilization Policies

Siege of Mecca, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria: US and Gulf Destabilization Policies Murad Makhmudov and…

Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia

Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia Jibril…

ISIS Bombing Masks US deeds in Syria: Rand Paul, US, ISIS Contradictions and Phony War

ISIS Bombing Masks US deeds in Syria: Rand Paul, US, ISIS Contradictions and Phony War Murad…

US is losing Jordan to the reality of Syria under President Bashar al-Assad

US is losing Jordan to the reality of Syria under President Bashar al-Assad Murad Makhmudov and…

Guatemala, Rios Montt and Genocide: CIA and US should also be on Trial

Guatemala, Rios Montt and Genocide: CIA and US should also be on Trial Pierre Leblanc and…

Syria and the Reality of the CIA, MI6 and Gulf Petrodollars: From Afghanistan to Bosnia

Syria and the Reality of the CIA, MI6 and Gulf Petrodollars: From Afghanistan to Bosnia Boutros…