Germany and demonstrations in favor of preserving German culture in Cottbus: Far Right or just Germans?

Germany and demonstrations in favor of preserving German culture in Cottbus: Far Right or just Germans? 

Chika Mori and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The Brexit referendum and the General Election that followed in the United Kingdom highlights the fake news agenda of deeming all and sundry far-right. After all, many individuals who voted to leave the European Union, then equally voted for the pro-immigrant Labour Party in the United Kingdom. Hence, when ordinary Germans demonstrate against crime, endless immigration, Islamization, and the altering local landscape, then clearly these individuals represent a variety of different thought patterns outside of the far right mantra of the mass media.

Indeed, given the fact that Sharia Islamic law supports killing apostates and homosexuals – while tolerating child marriage and the concept that non-Muslims are unequal in accordance to the Hadiths and Sharia Islamic law – then not surprisingly many individuals are alarmed. This comes on top of the growing Sunni Islamist terrorist threat in Europe, the endless stream of mass immigration, and in the knowledge that Christians and Yazidis (and others) are being cleansed in parts of the Middle East by Sunni Islamists. In other words, it appears to be a one-way civilizational war based on political elites who care little for indigenous Germans.

Individuals aghast by endless mass immigration in Cottbus outnumbered the other demonstration that supports mass immigration and the altering German landscape. Yet, according to the politically correct international mass media these demonstrators were given the negative connotations of either belonging to the far right or being right-leaning. However, it is abundantly clear that many individuals opposed to endless mass immigration and Islamization belong to an array of political ideas.

Often, far-right organizations are useful tools for the politically correct media because they know that the manipulation of language will turn many people away from expressing their real thoughts. In other words, far-right organizations aren’t needed because these organizations play into the hands of the politically correct and trendy left. Hence, leading political parties and elites who are altering the cultural, ethnic, and religious dynamics of society by manipulating democracy can ply the moral high ground.

According to Deutsche Welle, they report that in Cottbus you have had “a string of attacks involving refugees since the beginning of the year.” If so, and with the German political elites from the two leading parties appearing to be about to shore each other up, then not surprisingly many indigenous Germans in Cottbus are alarmed by events. Equally, many ordinary Germans feel abandoned by the two leading political parties – and the same applies to fellow Europeans in several nations who are disenfranchised.

The same German media source specified that two banners stated Islamization is like a cancerous ulcer and is the greatest danger to mankind” and “We call out Islam.” Yet, does the left support the Sunni Islamist narrative of child marriage, persecuting homosexuals, easy divorces for males, and other illiberal values that are against German culture and society?

Also, when all non-Muslim holy places are banned in Saudi Arabia and the marriage of non-Muslim males to Muslim females can lead to prison – or worse, death – in Islamic Sharia states,  then clearly the fear of Sunni Islamism isn’t a phobia. Of course, you have moderate Muslim sects who are opposed to Sharia Islamic law including the Alawites and Alevi. Therefore, many ordinary German citizens in Cottbus (and in other parts of Germany) are fed-up with endless mass immigration, Sunni Islamization by stealth in parts of the country, increasing crime, and other negative factors that are collectively altering the German landscape at a rapid speed.

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