About Modern Tokyo Times

Modern Tokyo Times is a fully interactive e-journal that mainly publishes in-house articles. At the same time, Modern Tokyo Times is honored to have the right to publish major international think tanks in the area of terrorism and geopolitics.

Modern Tokyo Times is always looking for positive partnerships, investment, and independent writers that can fit neatly within our target area – and other areas related to finance, social media, and members to support our independent work.

Please remember, Modern Tokyo Times is a syndicate that focuses on independent areas and we rely on our readership to survive.

Modern Tokyo Times http://moderntokyotimes.com is the main website and Modern Tokyo News http://moderntokyonews.com is based on providing security for the main entity. In time Modern Tokyo News will publish individual articles under this name but the main focus is to protect Modern Tokyo Times.


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Please email sawakoart@gmail.com for a quick reply.


The vast majority of articles are internal Modern Tokyo Times articles – however, a few esteemed think tanks allow us to publish their articles. Accordingly, we upload these articles in good faith – and provide the link to the original article by non-Modern Tokyo Times articles and information about images and so on. 

If any image is infringed – please notify us and we will take down the image immediately upon request and apologize. Our images are either internal or sourced by private individuals – or if art related, then covered by the longevity clauses of the art image and fair use (we use for educational reasons only – and not for profit). 

Images by think tanks (organizations) that allow us to use their articles don’t belong to Modern Tokyo Times. Therefore, we always include the source, original link of the think tank (organization), and name of the author – we also don’t alter any of the wording. 

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