Japan Art and Suzuki Shônen: Edo to Taisho
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Suzuki Shônen was born during the late Edo Period in the 1840s and died during the Taisho Period (1912-1926) in 1918. Accordingly, he developed artistically during the dynamic Meiji Period (1868-1912).
His father gave him a firm background in the world of art. Hence, the cultural cities of Kyoto, Koyosan, and Nara – along with the Middle Kingdom (China) – and other cultural traits impacted Shônen.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art says, “Together with his father, Suzuki Hyakunen, Shonen was one of the leading painters active in Kyoto during the Meiji period…”
Shônen – despite the artistic influence of his father – still developed an individualistic approach to art.

Overall, Shônen was blessed with an independent spirit in the realm of art and creativity – and in opposing the whims of the Meiji artistic elites.

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