Nationalist Kishida and NATO: Japan ignores NATO’s devastation of West and South Asia
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan will stop at nothing to spread his anti-Russian Federation and anti-China mantra. Hence, no shock that Kishida seeks new ties with NATO. After all, only Japan seeks to increase non-Asian powers to enter the geopolitics of Northeast Asia.
Last year, the world witnessed the utter chaos of Afghanistan and how America and other NATO powers threw Afghan civil society to the mercy of the Taliban. This took place after NATO powers destabilized Afghanistan. However, countless years resulted in the Taliban emerging victorious after President Joe Biden told the armed forces of America to leave. Therefore, after countless deaths, the war became futile: after all, the Taliban retook power with images reminding the world how America fled Vietnam.
NATO powers also killed vast numbers of people in West Asia. One war, the war against Saddam Hussein in Iraq, was proven to be based on lies concerning “weapons of mass destruction.” However, the result of this war – and the continuing convulsions – remain today because Iraq is a failed state.
Hence, from South Asia to West Asia, many NATO powers have involved themselves in killing several Asian ethnic and religious groups. Also, despite all the bloodletting, Afghanistan and Iraq remain unstable and in worse situations. Therefore, it is clear that Kishida – and Japan – negate the deeds of the crimes of NATO in Asia.
This isn’t too surprising, sadly. After all, when America was dropping Agent Orange on Vietnam (also dropped Agent Orange on Cambodia and Laos despite these nations not being involved in the war), countless Japanese companies made “a literal killing” from this brutal war.
America and Turkey – and other NATO powers – also involved themselves in destabilizing Syria in West Asia. Indeed, NATO Turkey is still occupying and cleansing the Kurds in Northern Syria and other ethnic groups opposed to Turkey’s long-term goals. Hence, since Japan never spoke up to any serious degree for the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria concerning NATO-induced conflicts: it shows you how Kishida – and Japan – view Asia and how America can literally trample on various Asian nations with the backing of Japan concerning economics and politics.
America – and other NATO powers – are responsible for so much death in West Asia (Iraq and Syria) – and in the region of Central and South Asia (Afghanistan). Kishida knows that instability continues in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria – and that NATO powers have blood all over them.
Agent Orange on Vietnam to nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only done in Asia by America – Japan knows full well. However, despite the ongoing convulsions of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria – and NATO powers assisting the Saudi Arabia-led alliance that is killing in Yemen: Kishida is only concerned about Ukraine in Europe. This sums up the anti-Northeast Asia worldview of Japan that existed after the Meiji Restoration (1868) – and the disdain toward other parts of Asia also applies to recent wars created by NATO powers (Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria).
Kishida said, “An agreement was reached to raise the Japan-NATO relationship to a new level.”
He continued, “It is of historical significance that I was able to participate in the meeting when NATO was devising its new strategic concept.”
His anti-Russian Federation stance – equally aimed at China – can be seen by his words, “Ukraine today may be East Asia tomorrow.”
However, for other parts of the world, the deeds of NATO powers in Africa (Libya), West Asia (Iraq and Syria), the Balkans (former Yugoslavia), border areas of Central Asia and South Asia (Afghanistan), and the legacy of Operation Condor when America supported the killings of vast numbers in several South American nations by utilizing right-wing death squads: then no independent nation can feel secure from the same menace that involves itself in wars decade after decade.
Japan is the only nation in Asia that is ramping up anti-Russian propaganda. Hence, this nation remains an anomaly because no other nation in Africa, Asia, or South America continues to incite to this level. Kishida’s policies of inciting against China (concerning Taiwan) and the Russian Federation: make the nationalist Shinzo Abe (open to the Russian Federation despite the Crimea crisis) appear almost moderate.
Japan may rue the day that Kishida took this stance because America’s track record isn’t encouraging. Also, with Japan being blighted by a mountain of debt – and China is the one engine that boosted Japan’s stagnant to low growth economy in recent decades: then becoming entangled by America’s containment policy of China and NATO’s destabilizing policies against the Russian Federation might backfire in the long-term.

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