Japan Art and Tsukioka Kōgyo: Beauty in Simplicity
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Tsukioka Kōgyo (1869-1927) was born shortly after the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912). Accordingly, he was shaped by the Meiji Period and died one year after the Taisho Period ended (1912-1926).
In the art pieces in this article, Kōgyo creates beautiful art by focusing on simplicity. Hence, the art above is a mundane barley field that comes alive by the radiant sun.

Kōgyo – unlike many Japanese artists during the Meiji Period – focused on traditional theater concerning Noh and other natural themes connected to the past.
His delightful art above of a person fishing works a treat concerning its utter simplicity!

Kōgyo studied under Tsukioka Yoshitoshi and Ogata Gekko.
His love of Noh came from Yoshitoshi. After Yoshitoshi’s death, Gekko would further his creative spark by focusing on other artistic themes.

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